Slant Six Forum

fuel injection
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Author:  Tim [ Sat Jun 30, 2001 12:31 am ]
Post subject:  fuel injection

I'd sure like to give my clean '71 slant six Dart hardtop a fuel injected motor. The salvage yards have plenty of GM six cylinder cars with EFI. I bought a brand new A-body gas tank. Is the in-tank pump better than external tanks ? Can I coat the inside of the tank with anything to help prevent rusting ?

Anyone heard whether Jack Clifford is developing block hugging /6 headers ?

I don't want to hot rod this Swinger, just make it run smooth and get a little better gas mileage.
The EFI would allow me to build a custom intake
with equal length tubes which I can't have otherwise unless I use multiple side draft carbs.

Does anyone have more updates on EFI projects ?
I got to build it in my head first!

Author:  Dart270 [ Mon Jul 02, 2001 7:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: fuel injection

: Anyone heard whether Jack Clifford is
: developing block hugging /6 headers ?
: I don't want to hot rod this Swinger, just make
: it run smooth and get a little better gas
: mileage.

Clifford's "street rod" headers hug the block pretty closely, are dual outlet, and are very nice units. They should be around $200 for the set, or you can probably talk them into giving you that price. He talked about a shorty 6X1 design at the SEMA show, but I've called them a couple of times and they "haven't made it yet" (I'm not holding my breath). FYI, the Clifford 4V intake has nice 45 degree injector bosses cast into it.


Author:  Bob D [ Mon Jul 02, 2001 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: fuel injection

: I'd sure like to give my clean '71 slant six
: Dart hardtop a fuel injected motor. The
: salvage yards have plenty of GM six cylinder
: cars with EFI. I bought a brand new A-body
: gas tank. Is the in-tank pump better than
: external tanks ? Can I coat the inside of
: the tank with anything to help prevent
: rusting ?
: Anyone heard whether Jack Clifford is
: developing block hugging /6 headers ?
: I don't want to hot rod this Swinger, just make
: it run smooth and get a little better gas
: mileage.
: The EFI would allow me to build a custom intake
: with equal length tubes which I can't have
: otherwise unless I use multiple side draft
: carbs.
: Does anyone have more updates on EFI projects ?
: I got to build it in my head first!

I've been running an external pump for about 3 months. A disadvantage can be the the noise if that will bother you. It is quite load. Have you read the EFI articles in the article section of this forum? My article is now complete. Also, Bryan Long describes how he installed an "in the tank" fuel pump in his FI article.
Bob D

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