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Pertronix install trouble
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Author:  ThePeople'sCar [ Sun Jun 10, 2007 10:16 am ]
Post subject:  Pertronix install trouble

Believe it or not, I am having a hell of a time installing my pertronix kit.

After searching the archive, I'm feeling twice as stupid because nobody mentions the problem I'm having.

In short, I apparantly have an older style distributor w/no reluctor ('71 225 Dart). There is only a hex shaped "nut" pressed onto the distributor shaft beneath where the rotor sits. The stupid "lower mounting plate" provided by pertronix appears to have been made to fit around this nut, but it DOES NOT. I've got the original points mounting plate and the pertronix lower plate clipped together and the hole cut for the distribitor shaft in the pertronix plate is just barely too small. Can I file the sides of the hole to fit around the nut?

Call me a wuss, but my daddy taught me not to force things together when dealing with delicate parts like distributors...

Author:  ThePeople'sCar [ Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Okay, something's messed up here. In the photo below, the red line indicates where I had to slightly file the lower pertronix plate to allow it to fit it into the distributor.

The circle indicates where the pin on the vacuum advance arm is supposed to fit, but, THERE'S NO HOLE IN THE LOWER PLATE!

Kit is P/N CH 161, and according to several online catalogues it is the correct kit for my application.


Author:  ThePeople'sCar [ Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh yeah, check out the alignment between the pickup and the green magnetic strip in this mock up. I got the wrong kit or something.


Author:  ThePeople'sCar [ Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Alright. Figured it out. The idiot at Jegs sold me the post '72 kit (CH 161). With a '71, the kit I needed was a 1361A. I think they are essentially the same kit, except with the earlier distributors you don't need the "lower mounting plate" or the aluminum spacer.

I found a pic of a 1361,


and it just bolts right on to the original points plate.

Got it mocked up and everything seems better. Vacuum advance pin fit right back into its old hole.


You don't suppose the pickups are different between the two parts numbers?

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

No. Only on the second generation series, the modules are higher out put.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Pretty much all the Pertronix kits use the same type of pickup and magnet wheel; the mounting details and (obviously) magnet count differ by application.

The thing that's got me confuzzed is why they'd even bother making a kit for post-'72 Mopars, all of which were factory-equipped with a pretty good electronic ignition! :shock:

Author:  dakight [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

PT Barnum must be on their board.

Author:  79AspenSuperSix [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:51 am ]
Post subject: 

The thing that's got me confuzzed is why they'd even bother making a kit for post-'72 Mopars, all of which were factory-equipped with a pretty good electronic ignition
For those guys who want to eliminate those pesky high maintenance ECU's? :roll:

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