Slant Six Forum

block preperation---- a few guestions for Doug
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Author:  wtzupdoc [ Sun Jul 01, 2001 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  block preperation---- a few guestions for Doug

Hi all am new to the forum. I have my 170 block on the engine stand and am ready to drill out the oil passages like you suggested. In the lifter valley's do you tap the existing drainback holes?
also how many extra holes would you need? the idea of the drain hole over the fuel pump lobe sounds great. Would you place a standpipe in each drainback hole i would assume so?(except for the fuel pump hole?) what would be a good cam for the 170? have a 904 auto and will select converter depending on the cam. doing some porting on the head and would like your opinion on intakes also (valve sizes etc...)live only four miles from the local 1/8 mile track and would like to run the car there but still be streetable. I have another valiant that i drive to work so not worried about fuel mileage, just want the car to perform really well. thinking bout a pertronix upgrade also and a melling hp pump Sorry to be so long winded but this is all new to me... thanks!!!!

Author:  Doctor Dodge (Doug Dutra) [ Wed Jul 04, 2001 11:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: block preperation---- a few guestions for Doug

: Hi all am new to the forum. I have my 170 block
: on the engine stand and am ready to drill
: out the oil passages like you suggested. In
: the lifter valley's do you tap the existing
: drainback holes?
: also how many extra holes would you need? the
: idea of the drain hole over the fuel pump
: lobe sounds great. Would you place a
: standpipe in each drainback hole i would
: assume so?(except for the fuel pump hole?)
: what would be a good cam for the 170? have a
: 904 auto and will select converter depending
: on the cam. doing some porting on the head
: and would like your opinion on intakes also
: (valve sizes etc...)live only four miles
: from the local 1/8 mile track and would like
: to run the car there but still be
: streetable. I have another valiant that i
: drive to work so not worried about fuel
: mileage, just want the car to perform really
: well. thinking bout a pertronix upgrade also
: and a melling hp pump Sorry to be so long
: winded but this is all new to me.

Yes, I tap-out the exsisting drain-back holes and the two new ones I drill.

As for the fuel pump "oiling hole", no stand pipe there, I just keep the hole small. ( 1/4 to 1/8)

Cam selection for a 170 cn be tricky just because you have to watch the max. lift, seeing the 170 is a "zero deck" engine. How high do you want to spin this engine??

Be sure you keep the pressure resonable on that H.V. oil pump (50 -60 psi) and put good quality piston in the engine and you should be fine.

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