Slant Six Forum

Super Six + Dutra Duals
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Author:  72polara [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 9:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Super Six + Dutra Duals

Well, I finished fitting up the Dutra Duals, Super Six manifold and Aussie gaskets on the slant tonight... I've included some pics just for giggles.

The first shows interference between the front dutra dual and a pad on the late model /6 block. It's an '83 unit; Nothing the rotary stones can't fix. You can't see in the pics, but I had to trim the gasket a little bit to get around those pads on the front and back of the block, too.

The following two pics are the final install from the top and side. Since I decided on the t5 conversion, it'll be a few months before it's running, but I'm looking forward to it. I already know I'll regret the cam choice; I picked it thinking I'd be using an a500 with a stock converter, instead of a 5 speed. Ah, well...

Author:  Jopapa [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 9:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Looks very nice. Is that just high temp silver paint or some other coating on the DDs?

I also had the same gasket/block interference issue with my engine. I also had to shave about 1/8" off of the forward edge of the gasket so that the thermostat housing would fit properly. Leads me to wonder what year my engine really is.

Author:  72polara [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's Duplicolor High Heat "ceramic" paint. Claims to be good to 1200 degrees, so we'll see. I let the parts sit for a day and then cured them in the oven at 400 degrees. Hopefully they'll last for a year or two, but I wouldn't really bet on it. I wanted to ceramic coat the exhaust pieces, but cheaped out and decided to do the rattle can stuff. Any body else tried the high heat rattle can paint?

My gasket cleared the thermostat housing just fine, but I had to trim for the block pads on the front and rear. Looking at my '83 cast crank block, it's got a pad on the front and back. My '73 forged crank block only has a pad on the front, and it's smaller than the one on the cast crank block.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sat Jun 16, 2007 12:01 am ]
Post subject:  70's blocks...

I also had to shave about 1/8" off of the forward edge of the gasket so that the thermostat housing would fit properly.

I used a '74 block to mock up my dutra duals, and installed on a '76 block, that pad is the same, and looks to be the same on my '79 block too...

Anybody for 5 minutes with a carbide burr?


Author:  64'4$peed [ Tue Jun 19, 2007 12:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

I put VHT "flameproof" cast iron grey on my dutra's holding strong even after the floats in my bbd filled with gas, flooded and dumped fuel all over em

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