Slant Six Forum

Recommendations for a 2bbl carb?
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Author:  plymouthfan [ Fri Jul 06, 2007 6:28 am ]
Post subject:  Recommendations for a 2bbl carb?

I'm sure you've been asked this a billion times, so if there's a thread with this topic already on here, you can just post a link...

I have a 72 Scamp, 7 1/4 rear, auto, A/C stock 225 and my exhaust manifold has developed a rather healthy crack in it.

I bought an almost new Offy 4bbl intake with a 2bbl adapter off a friend and have a lead on a new set of headers. I'd like to know what 2bbl carb would be best for my application? I'm really looking for drivability, not performance.

Since this is a daily driver, how would a set up like this work in the winter with no heat riser? Also, I'm not sure what to do about all the linkage needed to do this swap... does anyone sell a kit?

Thanks again!!!

Author:  Doc [ Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:17 am ]
Post subject: 

The easy way to do a 2 bbl conversion on a SL6 is to use all the "Super Six" factory parts. This application has all the brackets and pieces needed to do a "bolt-on" installation.

You can use the Offy and the adaptor plate but you will have to make-up custom linkage for the throttle and kickdown.

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