Slant Six Forum

74 Duster dash removal?
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Author:  HeavyBreather [ Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  74 Duster dash removal?

I want to remove the dash in my 74 Duster, where do I start?

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:57 am ]
Post subject:  Full Dash?

Removing the cluster and assorted things is easier...

For removing the full dash:

Pull the kick panels, remove the firewall plug and any other assorted wiring attached to the firewall (disconnect the radio antenna, heater hoses, heater control cables...etc...),
loosen steering column from the dash assembly (loosen any other bolts on column so it can be lowered out of the way) and any bolts holding dash to the steering/pedal bracket....

Next remove the front windshield, pull the bolts near the winsheild seal, pull the two bolts on the brackets under the dash near the kickpanels.

Roll/pull dash out toward rear of car, it may be easier if you remove the front seat also if you need the room.

Good luck, it's not the easiest thing to remove in an A-body...


p.s. if replacing the dash with one from a different car, make sure to note you won't 'legally' be able to remove VIN tag from your original dash, you'll have to tell your licensing agency in your state about the 'reconstruction' of the car with your old and 'new' VIN...

Author:  HeavyBreather [ Tue Jul 17, 2007 5:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Whats all involved in taking out the windsheild?

Author:  sick6 [ Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Whats all involved in taking out the windsheild?

actually its not too bad, if you can carefully remove the trim pieces around the glass. I never had the right tool, so mine never looked very well (I think year one and the paddock sell the correct tool ). please be carefull taking it off, since getting it repaired/replaced is very pricey.

A bodies at the time had an "I" shaped gasket that the glass was samwiched into. you'll need a new one afterwards, I haven't seen one salvaged before and after 30 years it probably needs a new one anyway.

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