Slant Six Forum

Super Six Carb ID
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Author:  Kowalski22 [ Wed Jul 18, 2007 5:28 am ]
Post subject:  Super Six Carb ID

I purchased a Super Six set-up from a gentleman in Florida. I received everything I need to convert my 76 Duster single barrel to a Super Six set-up. I also just purchased an electronic choke (P/N 1232A) from Here is my problem. The choke rod on the new electronic choke is straight and I think I need a 90 degree one. The carb is a Carter 2138 or 2681. Does anybody what electronic choke I need for this carb or am I missing something?


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Neither of those numbers will ID a carb that would've been made during the Super-6 era. There are a bunch of numbers on the carb, but none of the casting numbers is what you need. The actual carb number is on an aluminum tag which often doesn't survive the carb's first factory "rebuild". Can you show us some pics of your carb? 1232 is the correct choke kit for the 2bbl slant-6; the arm should look just like the one shown in this post about the electric choke kits. If it won't hook directly to the choke lever on your carb, it's because the carb isn't a slant-6 item and some mods will be needed.

Author:  ESP47 [ Wed Jul 18, 2007 1:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

At first the electric choke will look like it wont work. What I had to do is cut the little lip off of the bottom bracket because I kept getting an exhaust leak since that lip dipped inside the hole where one of the screws holds down the cup deal that goes into the choke pocket. So hold the choke pocket and choke deal down with two screws if you have a closed choke pocket. Then the arm will sort of bend towards the front of the car and hook into the carb. I had to take off the little black retaining clip at the end of the rod because I couldnt get the choke to close all the way with that clip on. I just used some other clips I had laying around to hold it in place.

Car is in the shop, so I have no idea whether it works or not yet.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Wed Jul 18, 2007 1:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

At first the electric choke will look like it wont work. What I had to do is cut the little lip off of the bottom bracket because I kept getting an exhaust leak since that lip dipped inside the hole where one of the screws holds down the cup deal that goes into the choke pocket.
That is a problem only on '70-'72 exhaust manifolds with the "open stove" + sheetmetal choke cup. The '69-down and '73-up exhaust manifolds have a fully closed cast-iron choke pocket with no passage into the interior of the exhaust manifold, so no such leak.

You're right, though, at first it'll look like "No way, won't work" even if everything is all correct parts. :shock:

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