Slant Six Forum

kids, come meet your new little brother! (sister?)
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Author:  Andy's GT [ Fri Jul 20, 2007 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  kids, come meet your new little brother! (sister?)

sorry, just got home from work and am caffeinated from the drive, its pretty rough, but here it is!
1954 nash metropolitan
the plan is to put a slant in it, if it doesnt fit, then well find something else to put in it i guess, i think given its current shape, we can make it fit without worrying too much about damaging a classic :lol: found some online with 8s but some, maybe all, of them have been elongated, which we are probably not up for, its getting our extra 73 225, single barrel, hei will probably be the only performance mod to start, but i bet this thing can fly, gotta get the a100 moving still, (driveshaft needs shortened) and stopping, then well hit this one, thanks

Author:  dakight [ Sat Jul 21, 2007 4:58 am ]
Post subject: 

My uncle moved from California to Texas in once of those. He had his wife, two kids and all his possessions in it. :shock:

Author:  Andy's GT [ Sat Jul 21, 2007 7:43 am ]
Post subject: 

wow, maybe his didnt have an engine either :lol:

Author:  dakight [ Sat Jul 21, 2007 8:36 am ]
Post subject: 

It would have been a long push!

Author:  Brian [ Sat Jul 21, 2007 7:02 pm ]
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That would make a pretty trick slant six racer :D

Author:  Andy's GT [ Sat Jul 21, 2007 8:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

yeah, the plan is to get the engine in first, i would love to put a built slant in there, maybe doc is looking for a home for 'twiggy' :lol: a buddy offered us some corvair bucket seats, and is going to help with the welding on this and the truck , well get it home within the next couple weeks then figure out how to make it work from there, were brainstorming in the meantime :D

Author:  Andy's GT [ Sat Jul 21, 2007 9:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

ps, i saw a 1950 dodge coupe by school last year but it was out of my price range, i would love to pick up one of those and turn it into a slant 6 racer, im not sure what it was, i have been looking online, and i think it was a dodge wayfarer business coupe, but not sure, it was low, round, and lots of chrome, just one front bench, no backseat, neat little car, also working with a friend on a friend of his' 63 porsche, thought about taking out the gas tank and putting a slant in the front :twisted: i think she might get a little mad at us since she just wanted a new exhaust, easier starting, the drivers door to open from the inside, and cleaned up a little....

edit, heres a 52, i think the one i saw was a 50

Author:  dakight [ Sun Jul 22, 2007 6:32 am ]
Post subject: 

My Dad had a 48 Plymouth Business Coupe. It looked a lot like the one in the picture. I wish i still had the cars he used to have. The ones I remember are a Lafayette, year unknown, a 53 Dodge with Fluid Drive, A 55 Dodge, the 48 Plymouth, a 58 Desoto wagon, a 64 Dart GT, a 65 Chrysler New Yorker. Then he went to the dark side and got a new 76 AMC Hornet and an old Chevy pickup.

Edit: How could I forget the gray 46 Dodge with a flat head six and mohair seats? Nice car but I was too young to appreciate it.

Author:  Andy's GT [ Sat Jul 28, 2007 8:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

sad news, guys, the seller was full of crap, drove 5 and a half hours each way, called and asked specifically about the tires, one of them i would consider reasonable condition, and it was starting to crack, one flat, two with big cracks, the spare has no valve stem even though he said it would work to replace the flat, missing 6 of 16 lugnuts, frame was rusting through, told him we were bringing a bumper towbar, and the bumper bolts are broken off in the frame, no way it wouldve made the trip home, so we got most of our money back and had a nice trip anyway, now weve still got an extra slant just waiting for a new home, who knows what well find? :lol:

Author:  dakight [ Sun Jul 29, 2007 6:21 am ]
Post subject: 

I know where there's a 32 Plymouth pickup for sale. The seller's proud of it though. It actually looks pretty good but I haven't stopped to see what it's got in it. Probably an SBC. :roll:

Author:  slantzilla [ Sun Jul 29, 2007 7:17 am ]
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sad news, guys, the seller was full of crap, drove 5 and a half hours each way, called and asked specifically about the tires, one of them i would consider reasonable condition, and it was starting to crack, one flat, two with big cracks, the spare has no valve stem even though he said it would work to replace the flat, missing 6 of 16 lugnuts, frame was rusting through, told him we were bringing a bumper towbar, and the bumper bolts are broken off in the frame, no way it wouldve made the trip home, so we got most of our money back and had a nice trip anyway, now weve still got an extra slant just waiting for a new home, who knows what well find? :lol:
That sucks. Did you "accidently" hit him with a bat? :lol: :lol:

Author:  Andy's GT [ Sun Jul 29, 2007 11:06 am ]
Post subject: 

no, but i kind of wanted to, ive been working 6 days a week, havent had much time to get work done on our projects and i go back to school in a month, at least we got baconators at wendys :lol:

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