Slant Six Forum

weird fuel pump, looks like a slant one...
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Author:  Andy's GT [ Fri Aug 24, 2007 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  weird fuel pump, looks like a slant one...

hey guys, cleaning out the garage today and found some stuff we took out of dads truck(64 a100) when we were first cleaning it out, it had several fuel pumps sitting in it, i guess maybe that was something the previous previous owner was trying to do to get the old 170 running, i guess it didnt work, its been sitting from 1977 until last week,anyway, have two fuel pumps, believe at least one is from a slant, the other looks the same, but has an extra hose fitting, like a bubble flared line, theres the part that bolts to the engine, then the part that connects that part to the little disc part, its on there, is this some sort of 426 slant 7 hemi-wedge fuel pump that was originally on the factory 6spd little red wagon a100 and our truck is secretly one of bill maverick goldens? anyway, thought someone on here might know what its from, thanks!

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Fri Aug 24, 2007 8:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's a pump for a '70 (California) or '71 (50-state + Canada) slant. Those were the years the requirements were first put in place for control of evaporative emissions (i.e., evaporating gasoline could no longer be allowed to waft off into the atmosphere from the carburetor bowl vent or the fuel tank vent). These first two model years used the engine crankcase as the storage place for fuel vapors. The fuel tank vented to an extra fitting on the crankcase breather, and the carb bowl vented to that fitting you found on the fuel pump body. With the engine running, the fuel vapors were drawn off the crankcase via the PCV valve and burned in the engine.

For '72, the more effective, less problematic charcoal cannister was introduced, and the fuel pump returned to the previous design.

Author:  Andy's GT [ Fri Aug 24, 2007 8:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

thanks dan!

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