Slant Six Forum

Anyone runnin' their slant on alcohol?
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Author:  ValiantOne [ Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Anyone runnin' their slant on alcohol?

Part of the reason I am trying to get my 66 /6 running is to try an alcolhol alternative fuel conversion.

I read an interesting article ... drane.html about a guy who did this with a 69 Dart 318 cid car.

does anyone here have any practical application of this sort?


Chris E.

Author:  Sam Powell [ Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am not really a fan of the ethenol thing. It is a thinly vailed attempt by ADM to sell more corn. And, you burn oil to produce it. I just do not think that is the answer to global warming and they would try and convince you it is.


Author:  slantzilla [ Sat Aug 25, 2007 9:33 pm ]
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To get the most energy out of ethanol you would have to jack up the compression in your motor quite a bit. Alcohol will not produce the heat energy of gasoline, and thus not as much power. Also, if you plan on making your own still there is the little matter of road use taxes that might rear it's ugly head.

Ethanol has it's place, but it is very inefficient to make it from corn. I believe that in South America they make it from sugar beets and still get the sugar too. Hopefully Argentine Slant Sixer will chime in on this.

Right now, all ethanol is in the US is a solution to big business feeding on some more tax dollars. It is a 'pig in a poke'. Sam is right, ADM and others are rubbing their hands in joy over this.

Author:  LUCKY13 [ Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:11 pm ]
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Still if you have E85 available to you it can make very good power. But that is right, you need to add compression to take advantage of it. But the good thing is it will run as good as race fuel for way less.

As far as power you can guess it will be right close to what race gas will do for your engine. But without raising the compression, the best you are going to get is being able to add more timing. But with E85 you can run a easy 13:1 engine on the street, or a lot of boost.

There has been quite a few V8 turbo cars make over a 1000hp on E85 & street drive. SO if you can get it, and build for it, its a good fuel.

Now alcohol, is going to be a bit of a pain to run on the street. But there has been guys do it, but its not practical. BUt you can really throw the compression to it then & make even more power.


Author:  ValiantOne [ Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am not really a fan of the ethenol thing. It is a thinly vailed attempt by ADM to sell more corn. And, you burn oil to produce it. I just do not think that is the answer to global warming and they would try and convince you it is.

Sam, I do not attempt this experiment b/c of global warming. I want to try and make cheap fuel out of anything with a sugar content. Spoiled apples to left over grape pressings from the vineyards up here. Anything I can get free or for pennies. ADM can keep their corn.

Also I don't have to burn oil to produce it. The plan is to use the plentiful wood resources I have.

For me it is about having fun, and playing with my cars:)

Author:  Rug_Trucker [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 5:40 am ]
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E85 and biodiesel put out more smog gasses than regular fuels. E85 makes my Pepsi and everything else with corn sweetners in it cost more.

Author:  dudley [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:25 am ]
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And, you burn oil to produce it.
Natural gas, usually, isn't it?

Author:  slantzilla [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:46 am ]
Post subject: 

I am not really a fan of the ethenol thing. It is a thinly vailed attempt by ADM to sell more corn. And, you burn oil to produce it. I just do not think that is the answer to global warming and they would try and convince you it is.

Sam, I do not attempt this experiment b/c of global warming. I want to try and make cheap fuel out of anything with a sugar content. Spoiled apples to left over grape pressings from the vineyards up here. Anything I can get free or for pennies. ADM can keep their corn.

Also I don't have to burn oil to produce it. The plan is to use the plentiful wood resources I have.

For me it is about having fun, and playing with my cars:)
Sounds like a fun idea. If you can't get the car to run on it you can always get knee walkin' drunk. :lol: :lol:

Bottom line to ethanol is that whatever process you use, it takes more energy to produce it than you get back out.

Author:  HyperValiant [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 6:52 pm ]
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Dont forget the corrosive properties of E85,the tank will have to be plastic or stainless steel,the rubber hoses will have to be changed,and the carb will have to be compatable for E85,your standard gas carb will not flow enough and the E85 will eat the rubber inside of it.
Car Craft has done a few articles on E85 and have pushed as a cheap race gas but an engine has be built to use it.
Maybe this is another way for the goverment to get old cars off of the road.A stock slant will run on damn near any cheap dino fuel but will not run on E85 without alot of work and then if you build it to run on E85 you cant run it on pump gas.

Author:  Davey [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:14 pm ]
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The issue of taxes could very well come up. The government simply cannot stand the thought that some enterprising citizens may find a way to operate motor vehicles without paying their dues to the state. As evidence that this is a very real concern, I read just recently that there was a young lad who was very eco-friendly and was a card carrying member of the Birkenstock crowd, who began running his vehicle on home-made bio-diesel. He went somewhere in his green vehicle and NAZI feds were in the parking lot testing fuel tanks to ensure no one was driving on untaxed fuel. Yep...he got caught and fined big time. You might want to consider this aspect before you begin running with corn sqeezins in your tank. Davey

Author:  Charrlie_S [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:27 pm ]
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He went somewhere in his green vehicle and NAZI feds were in the parking lot testing fuel tanks to ensure no one was driving on untaxed fuel. Yep...he got caught and fined big time. You might want to consider this aspect before you begin running with corn sqeezins in your tank. Davey
I believe thjis fits into the realm of "urban ledgens"

Author:  ValiantOne [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ok, I'm goning to chalk that up as a NO, as to the question of anyone running their /6 on alcohol :?

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:39 pm ]
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Davey, you make some good points, but you want to be careful throwing around the term "NAZI".

Author:  slantzilla [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:47 pm ]
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You can get popped for using fuel with no road tax paid. They got farmers down by Dad's place for using tractor fuel in their pickups.

I believe there is a way to get a permit for road use, and I don't believe it costs a whole lot.

Author:  sandy in BC [ Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:07 pm ]
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Using marked fuel is a big no no here....

They sometimes check at road blocks.

A log truck fuel tank full of marked fuel is a lot of road tax not collected.

The marked premium here is much better gas than unmarked premium. Its meant for boats in the summer and sleds in the winter. I use it in the bogger......

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