Slant Six Forum

Could this be my battery or voltage regulator?
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Author:  bristo_me_quik [ Sun Sep 09, 2007 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Could this be my battery or voltage regulator?

I've read through some posts but I can't figure this out. I get into my duster today to move it and turn the key and nothing. Starter dont even kick over. So I hook some jumper cables to it and it fires right up. It idles fine. When I rev it up the voltmeter jumps up to the high side and settles in the middle. I shut it off and try to start it again.. Just a few clicks. I procede to do this a few times trying to determine the problem, after a few times I unhooked the battery posts with the engine running and it never skipped a beat so I assume the ALT. is working properly. But hook the terminals back up, shut it off and try to start it, and nothing. Is my battery fried? OR is the little voltage regulator thing?

Author:  4doordart [ Sun Sep 09, 2007 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Get the battery load tested

Most any auto parts can do that. Heck, if it's an old battery, just get a good new one and see what happens. If it keeps on happening, it sounds like a voltage regulator problem anyways, maybe a starter relay?

Good luck with it!


Author:  68barracuda [ Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Could be either, have a look at your starter you might have a dragging one - bushes have gone and the armature might be dragging and shorting,

Had the same problem as you describe, with New battery, altenator, relays, starter the whole thing, nice and new

HAH! when it started acting up I was rather frustrated - turns out I was sold a refab starter - read cleaned and resprayed - not a new one, and the worn bushes/bearings was causing havoc - bought a brand new one - and well problem solved - rebuild the other one since and it is running very well.

My 2 cents

Author:  Joshie225 [ Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Charge the battery overnight and see if it starts the car. If not and jump starting does then replace the battery.

Please don't disconnect the battery when the engine is running. If the alternator is putting out power and the battery is disconnected the resulting voltage spike can cause damage.

I'm curious to know why the battery was completely dead to begin with. I'd check for something that was left on causing a drain.

Author:  mszauner [ Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Wiring?

I had a similar problem after putting in all new components in charging and starting system. It turned out it was the wiring connector coming through the firewall. Someone here posted an article about rewiring that and I redid those wires and have not had a problem since. I also replaced the ammeter with a voltmeter. It also turned out I had problems with the fan motor on occasion so I replaced those wires in the connector.

Author:  68barracuda [ Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Same symptoms different causes eh? :D

Also did the firewall mod

Author:  hdtpbelvedere [ Tue Sep 11, 2007 2:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Could be bad connections at battery, or where the ground attaches to block. Check both ends of the batt. cables for clean, tight connections.

Author:  thomasj6604 [ Sat Sep 15, 2007 8:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

I agree with Joshie 225 post. I charged my battery. Would not start. Did start using jumper cables. Was a defective battery. I got a FREE new battery as it was less than 2 years old! This happened just last week. I was glad I read this forum topic, because it "fixed" my problem. This was excellent advice. Thanks much!!

Author:  AndyZ [ Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

After charging the battery I would check this with a volt/ohm meter:

Remove the battery cable and check the voltage. Should be ~12-14v
Replace battery cable and check voltage. Should be ~12-14v
Turn on the ignition swich without starting engine. Should be ~12-14v
Start the car and check voltage. Should be ~12-14v
If you notice a drop in voltage at any point, this will help you narrow down where the problem is.

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