Slant Six Forum

Rear Window Seal for 65 valiant?
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Author:  sturdygertie [ Thu Nov 08, 2007 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Rear Window Seal for 65 valiant?

Do any of you fine folks know who makes a rear windscreen seal for a 65 valiant sedan? my window is toast and it's time to do the business. nobody has them as far as i know. any help would be greatly appreciated.

Author:  64 slantsix [ Fri Nov 09, 2007 6:11 am ]
Post subject: 

Hello jon. I am looking for a one piece rear windshield gasket for a 64 valiant sedan. I believe we are looking for the same thing, the 64 and 65 gasket should be the same. I posted a similar question about the gasket back in oct. and Rob64GT responded that Kramer Automotive Specialties had the gasket. I called and they told me I would have to call back when Cindy got back to work. When I finally spoke to her she informed me that she did not have a gasket for the 64. She was very knowledgeable and helpful and suggested that I try to contact Gary Goers who is often mentioned on this site. Just yesterday I sent him an e-mail and sent off $5 for his catalog. As of this morning he has not yet responded. If he does I will pm you or post on the site his reply. Another option is Andy Bernbaum Auto Parts at They have what they call a 3 pc. rear gasket that has to be glued up. I just got off the phone with an aquaintance of mine at Steele Rubber Products which is right down the road from me. They will manufacture one but they need a complete rubber from a donor in order to do so. There will be no cost for tooling up, their regular pricing will apply. I am afraid to try and remove mine without cutting it because I might break the glass. I may attempt it anyway because this would be a boon to all of us out there looking for something that does not presently seem to be available. If anybody here knows where to get one, please let us know. Or if someone has a complete rubber that is willing to donate it, I will follow through and get this moving. Any responses will be greatly appreciated, I have water coming through my gasket and need to get something done.

Author:  sturdygertie [ Fri Nov 09, 2007 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  How bout an AP5 or AP6 gasket

Hey thanks for the sympathy. I did some more research last night and thought about the Australian ap5. Can someone out there tell us if the rear windscreen in an 64 aussie valiant sedan is the same as an american. if so, believe we could just order australian gaskets from the multitude of repop places they have. I was looking at Hemi-performance for starters who have a gasket for $125 au. If anyone could answer that American vs. Aussie question, we'd be much obliged.

Author:  64 slantsix [ Fri Nov 09, 2007 10:30 am ]
Post subject: 

Good idea. The aussie exchange rate is good, $125 AUD is $115 US. It looks like shipping would be around $30.

Author:  Charrlie_S [ Sat Nov 10, 2007 1:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you still need a gasket, for a sample, I have the one removed from my 65 Valiant 2 door post. I would want it back, the backlight will have to go back in some day.

Author:  64 slantsix [ Mon Nov 12, 2007 6:35 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Charrlie. Steele Rubber Products is the way to go, they have a good reputation and have been around a while. I have a glass installer coming to look at my car this afternoon. If he can get the glass out without destroying the gasket I will take it to them and get the process started. If I can't get a good rubber out of the car, I will contact you about your gasket. The only thing I am not sure about is the application. Will the same gasket fit 64,65, and 66 Valiants? I compared a 64 sedan, a 64 hardtop, and a 65 sedan rear windshield and they all look alike.
Thanks, Dana

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Mon Nov 12, 2007 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Application notes (and "nots") for this gasket

The Australian AP5-AP6-VC backglass is a totally different shape and the gasket won't work on an American car.

The interchange on the gasket under discussion is '63-'65 Valiant, all US 2- and 4-door sedan and hardtop models plus Canadian '65 2- and 4-door sedan and hardtop with 106" wheelbase.

The '66 Valiant backglass (and its gasket) is one-year-only.

Definitely if you've got Steeles offering a repro with no tooling or setup charge, and can supply them with a good original gasket, jump on it! See if you can get them to make the lockstrip channel about 1.5mm narrower than original, that way the currently-available lockstrip material will fit securely and seal well.

Author:  VDART [ Mon Nov 12, 2007 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  rear gasket removal

a professional should be able to remove this no problem-- I have done it on a 62 & 63 valiant & I am nothing more than a hack.. Good luck in your endeavor, Lawrence

Author:  dakight [ Mon Nov 12, 2007 4:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

A backglass should be no problem to get out as they are tempered and much stronger than the laminated glass of a windshield. I'm very curious about the final cost of a repop weatherstrip. I might get one done for my 62. The Aussie seals run about $130.00 last time I looked. I also need quarter vent seals for the Signet which are unavailable at any price as far as I can tell.

Author:  64 slantsix [ Tue Nov 13, 2007 12:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Dan for the info. Steele Rubber Products already produces a lockstrip for the front and rear (but only for the Barracuda rear windshield). They actually have a diagram with dimensions here at I will be talking with them today or tomorrow and I will ask about the lockstrip.

I was told by an exec. of Steele that they would provide the rubber at near the same cost as similar gaskets that they sale. They already offer a front windshield gasket at $114.00.

He said that there would be no set up costs unless it was a rare piece, I am not sure if they consider 60-62 Valiants and Lancers as rare but I doubt it.

I looked back at their website today. I thought I had looked at their website closely but if I did I somehow missed some of the items they have available for 60's mopars.

I will post more as I get more info from them.

Author:  Dart270 [ Tue Nov 13, 2007 1:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow, I could really use a new rear wdw gasket for my 64 Dart. Wonder if they'd make one of those...


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Tue Nov 13, 2007 1:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Could've sworn Kramer or Ken's has the '64-'66 Dart backglass rubber...

Author:  dakight [ Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

I believe Andy Bernbaum has some of these too but it's been a while since I looked at their site.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Unless things have changed recently, Bernbaum maintains a rigid 1962 cutoff. Some of the stuff he carries happens to fit '63 and later cars, but he does not carry parts that only fit cars newer than the 1962 model year.

Author:  Dart270 [ Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:53 am ]
Post subject: 

I see Kramer shows a 64-66 A-body rear gasket, but there are Dart/Valiant differences - would have to check.

I am not familiar with Ken's - link?

Thanks much,


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