Slant Six Forum

Did I fry something
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Author:  Sam Powell [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 7:49 am ]
Post subject:  Did I fry something

This morning I was happily changing the spark plugs when I accidently bridged the block to alternator hot tap with my wrench. It sparked big, I jumped faster than I thought I could and I said OH S***. I have done this before with no ill affects. But, when I went to start the car, it was dead. I have fuel pressure, and spark count to the ECU. All the gauges on the laptop/ECU readout work. I had to go to work and could not trouble shoot the ignition. It has an MSD 6A box. This box has a ground and hot tap to the battery. Could I have killed the ignition box? I think I remember how to trouble shoot it, but I have the install sheets that came with it.

Next time, I unhook the batt ground when I change spark plugs. Thoughts or observations?

Sam :cry:

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:46 am ]
Post subject: 


You didn't say if the starter is functioning.

A first thought..........
I wouldn't think the MSD would not be affected at all unless it is fused.

The main fuseable link may be burned out to the fuse box.

Sounds like your other circuits you mentioned maybe wired off the battery or solenoid seperately.

Author:  CARS [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:04 am ]
Post subject: 

Sam, again you teach us a lesson. Always disconnect the battery when wrenching on your car. Sorry I can't offer any suggestions for your new problem but you should be awarded some sort of perseverence award :lol: . Thank god it didn't take out the accel unit that you have spent the last couple years working on!

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:07 am ]
Post subject: 

I wouldn't worry too much about it. You probably just popped a fuse or a fusible link. Been there and done that a few times. The worst that usually happens is you get a good scare. Disconnecting the battery negative works, of course, but you may want to find and install a boot or other insulator over your alternator's B+ stud and ring terminal. The Chrysler alternators used a rubber boot in '61, and a plastic collar from '62-up. The collar looks like this. I know you're running a Delco alternator. I don't know if the Mopar collar will fit it, but here's a full-cover boot that will almost certainly fit your Delco and costs less than the (overpriced, in the example I pointed to above) collar...and you can even get it in red or black!

Author:  Sam Powell [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:15 am ]
Post subject: 

The MSD is fused. I will check that. Thanks. Are you kidding? We all have perseverance. How else could you fool around with such old stuff with such affection? We all share the award. I suspect my dumb-dumb antics are likely duplicated by some out there who aren;t confident enought to share this side of themselves. So for you fellow silent, secret dumb dumbs out there, I am your model. Quite a distinction, huh?


Author:  Doc [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:50 am ]
Post subject: 

The passenger side alternator mounting is somewhat of a pain to work around... using the terminal cover is a 'must' if you have the alternator mounted there.

On the race cars, I just take the time to mount the alternator on the driver's side of the engine. with all the plug changes and "fusing around" you have to do with the race engines, it really helps to have that alternator out of the way.


Author:  Sam Powell [ Wed Nov 21, 2007 5:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

The fuse was blown. All is well. It was hell to have to go to work wondering what was wrong all day long. Doc, That is a pretty interesting looking set up. Does it draw through that carb? How does it work?

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