Slant Six Forum

stuck door need advice
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Author:  bob fisher [ Sun Nov 25, 2007 4:22 pm ]
Post subject:  stuck door need advice

hello sl6 sages- lately i have been confronting fixup problems i have never had since tinkering with sl6 vehicles beginning in 63.any time you think you have seen everything, you probably havent. heres a good one. right rear door on my recently acquired 80 volare wagon is stuck closed. seems the latching mechanism is stuck by rust or otherwise damaged. the lock knob pulls up and down and feels normal. the outside and inside door handle release feels normal but neither is releasing the door. window on this model does not roll all the way down so access to squirt blaster or wd40 is limited. can the door panel be taken off with the door closed? doesnt look like it can. that way i could access the latch mechanism. notice the rear door hinges can be unbolted from the body with the front door open. is that the only answer? hate to do that since it is a pain in the keester realigning the door to get it to close right. very open minded to any miracle cure, short cut and sage advice. thanks tons bob fisher

Author:  VDART [ Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Pull the back seat & then remove the door panel-- to access the inside of the door.

Have you tried from the inside-- operating the handle to open & then smacking(use the palm of your hand) the door near the rear ?

Also does it have a child type safety feature-- this might be messed up.

I had an older car & destroyed the door panel(bottom was wet/warped already) & soaked the mechanism with pb blaster to get it to open
Good luck Lawrence

Author:  zweistein [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 3:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

I had a stuck driver's side door on a 63 Dart GT which my mechanic friend opened in 30 seconds by alternately pounding with the heel of his hand and pulling from outside.

Author:  zweistein [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 3:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Forgot to say: Afterwards he relaced a broken spring and the door was good as new.

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