Slant Six Forum |
2bbl conversion under way |
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Author: | gato [ Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:04 pm ] |
Post subject: | 2bbl conversion under way |
hi people. a hole in my exhaust manifold has brought my super six upgrade to the front burner. i have a carter BBD to install. it seems to have the wear on the butterfly valve rod and the choke rod. since i don't yet know where to go to correct this idea, i'm entertaining the idea of a different carb. at i find mention of a weber carb, DGEV. it seems to be available in different sizes, he description sounds like its an "on demand" secondary. has anybody here tried this carb? what sort of results? thx D~~~! |
Author: | Wizard [ Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:44 pm ] |
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Two barrel progressives of the Dxxx series, primary open appox 50% at this point the secondary throttle opens progressively in sync with the primary to both primary and secondary 100% open at WOT via mechanism means. Contact the weber authorized reseller to get jet kit and suggested jetting based on your engine, altitude, etc. I dealt with this for my caravan 2.2 with 32/36 DFEV that produced awesome results. There are other webers that is sync throttles that both opens at same time is orieted for performance use and no regard to MPG. examples: 38 DGA(E)S. 32/36 DFEV or like IIRC, is suitable up to 2.8L, but weber does offer larger carb for large engines I think. Like 225. is what I dealt with. And weber carbs are not that expensive for low use unit on ebay. Cheers, Wizard |
Author: | LUCKY13 [ Sat Dec 22, 2007 4:17 am ] |
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The Webber is a great choice. I would get one with progressive secondaries though (that may be what is listed). I would also get the bigger carb (maybe even the biggest they offer that will bolt up). I am runnning a Holley 500 2 barrel. This is not a two stage like the Webber so it took some tuning to get it where it is was good on gas. Although the Webber will probably take some tuning also. IN the end it will be well worth it no matter what carb you chose. The power will be much better than the one barrel, and with the Holley it feels like it has more power at part throttle than the one barrel had WOT. After a lot of tuning I did get my Holley to getting 21 1/2 MPG on a mixed city/hwy drive. I believe on a all highway drive it should be getting somewhere around 24 mph. It also makes more power than the four barrel 600 Holley I tried. It was alot of work to get it to bolt up to the factory intake and give good fuel distribution though. Mainly I had to open up the intake where the carb bolts on and contour the opening toward the outside runners ( #1 and #6 cyl.) to get good cylinder fuel distribution. Plus I made a custom adaptor because all the store bought adaptors where crap and would leak vacume. It paid off very good though because all my cylinders burn very even now, even much better than the four barrel setup did. Part throttle will even brake the car sideways at times if the road is a city road and this is a stock engine with just a rebuild and no headwork or camshaft upgrades. Although I havent been to the track we have a good local abandened road that we test on a lot, I have tested there and then raced at the track & I am used to compairing results between the two. I am reaching high 80's on the MPH and from earlier test and runs at the track that should be around low 15's to high 14's, depending on the convertor & gearing I run. This is the best I have ever reached out of a stock engine in my car. It struggles to reach 80 mph with any other carb setup much less reach 87/88 mph. Compairing passed results I am guessing it will run around a 15.30 @ about 85/86 mph with the Holley 500. The Webber would be a easier installation and probably easier to get tuned. It might even get better fuel milage than the Holley 500 can and the power should be close. But with a progressive secondary setup it will only be cruizing on one barrel and be in better tune than the old one barrel plus mix the air & fuel better. The Webber mixes the fuel & air so good if you get the bigger one it might even make more power than the Holley 500. The Holley would be cheaper and after I figured out what it needed to be tuned in it wasnt hard to get it to run good. I kinda got myself off in left field when I started changing air bleeds and idle bleeds but once I found what it wanted it was very close to the out of the box tune it came from Holley with. My tune ended up with this ---- Main jets Out of the box was 74, changed to 71. Idle air bleeds - OTB .028 changed to .035 Idle feed restrictors - Unknown - Changed to .020 wire inserted to restrict them. Power valve OTB 5.5 changed to 4.5 Power valve restrictors I dont remember what was OTB but I opened them up .020 thou from where they was. Accelerator pump cam - Blue with the stock squirters ( I believe they are .028) My car idles at 13.5 AFR and on a city cruize it is around 16:1 AFR, on the highway cruize it is around 15:1 and at WOT it is 12.5 :1 though all three gears. I have never been able to get this engine to cruize at this lean a AFR before changing to this modified intake and Holley 500. It would lean buck & miss anytime I got it anywhere near 14.5 :1 on the AFR. Depending on what the temp outside is sometimes my AFR's at a cruize now are even as high as 16.5 :1 and it still dont miss/buck. I believe after I install my new head I am working on which will have more even air flow & modified combustion chambers I will be able to achive a 17 :1 cruize AFR. WIth that and a change to the four speed I am installing I am hoping to reach close to 30 MPG with better power than ever before. So if you put the time and effort into a new setup it will be well worth it in many ways. My car is so smooth and powerfull that it feels like it was changed over to EFI but its just a old school Holley ![]() Do a Webber, do a Holley, but forget the BBD unless your just really on a small budget. The BBD just doesnt make enough power for me to be worth the time & effort, although they are much better than the one barrel that you will be removing. BTW, you will need to recurve the distributor and work with the timing after the carb change to really take full advantage of it. Jess |
Author: | gato [ Sat Dec 22, 2007 7:29 am ] |
Post subject: | 2bbl conversion |
great info! i think i like the weber. found a couple of websites to take me that way. i think i'll go ahead with the carter BBD and get the van back on the road first. i'll plan the weber for after the tax refund check. that'll allow time to do the research to make sure i get the best carb for my needs, rather than a panic purchase. i have 2 BBD's to work with, but they are not identicle. based on pics @ ebay, one appears to be from Chrysler trucks after '79. the other has a different top section in the body, and different meter rods. if somebody can clue me in how to post fotos in this thread, i show ya. i think the second mite be an older vintage for autos. it has some sort of plastic vent assembly over the float bowl. D~~~! |
Author: | gato [ Sun Dec 23, 2007 10:44 pm ] |
Post subject: | studying weber |
studying the different models online, i find they offer one model that the throttle shaft rotates in reverse direction from normal. my van has the steel rod linkage to the carb, not a cable. which rotation direction would suit my application best? the Van is a '68 A108. what power source does the elctric choke unit draw from? D~~~! |
Author: | gato [ Wed Dec 26, 2007 9:26 pm ] |
Post subject: | is this a reasonable price? |
the first place i found that is willing to rebush my BBD throttle shaft says he'll do it for $65. is that a fair price or not? i haven't yet found another place to compare to. thx for the tip on the distributor. i had planned to deal with it but didn't bring to the front burner, yet. r the weber units direct bolt ups, or do they need adaptor plates? what r the best size jets for the BBD for a /6 at ruffly sea level? D~~~! |
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