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BBS Question
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Author:  J. Goodman [ Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  BBS Question

Tore down the carb this morning and came across something I've never seen. Several places on the inside of the main body are covered with what can only be described as grit of some sort. I though at first it was sand but I don't think so. It has the consistency of sand, but when you look at it closely, it seems to be made up of materials used in the forming of the carb body. It readily rubs or dusts off and is colored gray like the rest of the carb body. I'm going to really have to do a thorough cleaning to ensure the crap doesn't appear again hopefully. Anyone else ever run into this?

Author:  66aCUDA [ Thu Jan 03, 2008 9:12 am ]
Post subject: 

Thats the carb body corroding. I like to clean it and then coat with Krylon Crystal Clear.

Author:  J. Goodman [ Thu Jan 03, 2008 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Bbs

That was quick...thank you. Got it all cleaned up. The directions that came with the rebuild kit flat out s...k. I'm not sure I put the float back in correctly. Looking at the diagram I have, it shows the floats settled into the carb body via a float hinge pin. Above the pin I see the float pin retainer, but I'm unclear how that mounts. I know it slides into the two slots above the float pin hinge, but does it attach in any way to that pin, or just sit in the slot above the pin? From the way it looks with both ends of it having a lip, it would seem that I would place the ends of the float pin inside the ends of the retainer somehow. Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree here....

Final question before heading out to work: Do you set the float adjustment before putting the step-up piston back in? I ask this because the diagram I see shows you checking the float level, with the carb body inverted, at the point where the step-up piston mounts. If I checked the float level right now, it is a long way off....

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bbs

Spraying any kind of paint or paintlike coating on the inside of the carb is begging for trouble. The paint will be dissolved by gasoline in very short order, and it will be deposited in small blind passages where it will make trouble. Don't do it! Spraying paint on the outside of the carb is a very temporary measure at best.
The directions that came with the rebuild kit flat out s...k.
The ones in the factory service manual are a good deal more complete and useful. Surely by now you have the FSM...?
I'm not sure I put the float back in correctly. Looking at the diagram I have, it shows the floats settled into the carb body via a float hinge pin. Above the pin I see the float pin retainer, but I'm unclear how that mounts. I know it slides into the two slots above the float pin hinge, but does it attach in any way to that pin, or just sit in the slot above the pin?
It sits atop the pin. Once the top casting is bolted to the main casting, that retainer isn't going anywhere.
From the way it looks with both ends of it having a lip, it would seem that I would place the ends of the float pin inside the ends of the retainer sounds like you put it together right.
Final question before heading out to work: Do you set the float adjustment before putting the step-up piston back in?
That makes it easier, yes...but after you install the inlet needle and seat with gasket.

Author:  J. Goodman [ Fri Jan 04, 2008 7:24 am ]
Post subject:  BBS Carb

Got the carb back together following instructions provided and my FSM. I discovered the "Discharge Check Ball" was missing from the carb, and maybe with the clean up, and careful assembly the problems the carb had been having will go away. I am happy to report one drastic improvement when I fired the car up awhile more repeatedly pumping the gas pedal to get it started. Even though the carb was empty, I'll bet it only took about ten second of cranking to fire up the car. I see I have fresh gas on the top of the carb which appears to be cominig from the area of the bowl vent valve seat. I'll have to attend to that tonight. I look forward to seeing if the hesitation when pulling off from a stop will go away now.; Thanks for the help and suggestions.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Fri Jan 04, 2008 9:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, I'd expect much more decisive response to the accelerator now you've replaced the missing discharge check ball -- it means your accelerator pump will actually work now! Gas coming out the top via the bowl vent valve suggests the float level is too high.

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