Slant Six Forum

I have some questions on slant 6 facts.
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Author:  Davids63Dart [ Sun Jan 06, 2008 12:56 pm ]
Post subject:  I have some questions on slant 6 facts.

Just trying to learn some facts on slant 6s. Please answer what you can. Thanks in advance.

It is a 1972 225 slant 6. All stock as far as I know. 1 barrel, etc.

Assuming everything is stock,

What size valves does it have?
What is the Compression Ratio?
What cfm is the 1 barrel carb?
Is the intake single or dual plane?
What is the stock lift on the cam?
What is the factory HP on this motor?

Thanks again for any info you can give.

Author:  LUCKY13 [ Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Valves = 1.62 intake & 1.36 exhaust

Compression is suppost to be 8.4 to 1 (differnt sources give diff numbers on this), but most come in around 7.5 to 1 depending on head gasket thickness and the combustion chamber cc's.

One barrel cfm I do not know.

The intake is a single plane setup on all the stock intakes I know of, and the 4 barrel aftermarket intakes I am pretty sure is single plan. The HyperPak intake I am unsure of.

Camshaft lift - On all the camshafts I have ( all are 196x's models) they measure .350 lift at the rocker arm with a dial indicator. It seems there is talk of a higher lift cam that started somewhere in the 1970's but I a am not 100% sure on that info.

The HP i believe is somewhere around 140fwhp (flywheel hoursepower), you will see many differnt listings on this, but alot depends on what type of dyno's where used. Some used engine dyno's and I think maybe some used chasis dyno's. Then there is corrected , ASE, with & without accessories installed on engine and other ways they use and I am not sure exactly which ways they used when. I think the engine with no accessories on a engine dyno is quoted as 140hp.

Here is a link that may have other info that will help you.


Author:  walpolla [ Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

righto - try this. ... ant61.html

do'nt miss the little links at page bottom left.

regards,Rod :D

Author:  walpolla [ Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

hey Jess,you beat me to the punch. good one.
it all leads to the one place it seems.

Rod :D

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Jan 06, 2008 3:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I have some questions on slant 6 facts.

Valve head diameters are 1.36" (exhaust), 1.62" (intake)

Compression ratio is nominally somewhere between 8.2:1 and 8.4:1. What it actually is, you'd have to measure. Combustion chamber volume tolerances were sloppy to say the least.

The carb flows somewhere between 210 and 230 cfm.

The intake, like all slant-6 intakes, is a single-plane item.

The camshaft specs are 244° intake duration, 244° exhaust duration, 26° overlap, and..ummmm...don't have a FSM in front of me right now, so I can't remember if it's 0.420" intake lift and 0.414" exhaust lift, or 0.414" intake lift and 0.406" exhaust lift.

Factory horsepower rating on a 49-state/Canada '72 225 was 110 (SAE Net). The accuracy of this figure is dubious at best, see here .

Careful with that "racing manual" - its primary purpose was as a sellsheet for Direct Connection (later Mopar Performance) parts, and it contains a mix of fact, fantasy, fabrication, and fibs.

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