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Removing fuel sending unit?
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Author:  polkat [ Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Removing fuel sending unit?

The car is a 1973 4 door Dart. Can I get the sending unit out without removing the tank?
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Author:  DusterIdiot [ Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Easy...

Drive car until you have an almost empty tank... or siphon tank down to 3 or so gallons...

Put blocks under front tires to keep car from rolling away...
Jack up rear of car, and place jack stands under the unibody rear frame rails...

Remove jack..

Locate sending unit wire behind tank(as seen from rear bumper), remove with screwdriver the ground clip (if it hasn't rusted off already...will need to replace later if gone)...
Remove Gas supply hose (use catch can for gas out of supply line)...

Using a brass punch, (or hardwood dowel... or something ridgid that won't spark when tapping on the bung ring...) find one of the sealing 'ears' and tap in opposite direction of the sealing ramp on the 'ear' (counter clockwise)...

When ring disengages, pull unit and rubber seal ring out of tank (wiggle if necessary to loosen, will have to turn when it gets down to the float and 'sock' to get it out...)

Repair or replace as necessary, install in reverse of above...

Note: If in doubt about the sending unit... hook up to the sending unit wire, ground with a jumper wire... have a buddy or spouse turn key to the accessory option and observe the gauge as you move the float arm up and down to ensure it all is working OK...


Author:  polkat [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks DusterIdiot,

Someone just told me that I can also jack up the passenger's side a bit, pull the right rear wheel off, and get to it that way. Make any sense?
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Author:  J. Goodman [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 5:26 am ]
Post subject: 

May be a good tip, but I've never pulled off a wheel to remove a sending unit. The recommendations above are excellent.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 6:40 am ]
Post subject:  Errr... no...

Someone just told me that I can also jack up the passenger's side a bit, pull the right rear wheel off, and get to it that way. Make any sense?
Since the sender is literally in the middle of the tank, you'd have to have really long arms, I've done the method above quite a few times, and I have long arms, I like to be up close and see what's going on (you can install the sender sideways if you don't line it up right on install...)


Author:  shoncook [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:46 am ]
Post subject: 

On a 71 Duster w/ 225, what size of sock do I need, the 5/16" or the 3/8"? I have to completely replace the gas tank since it is rusted, and thought I should replace that as well, since who knows what is crudded up in there.

Author:  J. Goodman [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'll bet it is a 5/16...Go to your local Ford dealership if you need one. They have them in stock.

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