Slant Six Forum

New Slant 6 Intake Update !
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Author:  Rayman440 [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:06 pm ]
Post subject:  New Slant 6 Intake Update !

Here's some teaser info on the new AussieSpeed/PP&R intake : ... 048#149048


Author:  Red [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

If it works well, maybe they'll call it the "Hooroo-Pak" intake ("hooroo"="so long" or "goodbye" in Oz slang).

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Very cool! Very innovative design!

Are you going to run water hot heat so the rest of us that live in cold climates can buy them for our daily drivers? If so, sign me up!

I bet you would sell allot more if they had the heat option, not just a racers only manifold.

Thanks for the teaser :D

Author:  Rayman440 [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

When Mark (AussieSpeed) and I first discussed the matter of this intake it was always going to have attributes that the HyperPak lacked. The runner length was a big concern and after discussions with Mark this morning a water heated plenum "WILL" be incorporated due to the amount of requests I have taken on this feature. Unrelated to the Slant intake, this has also prompted me to incorporate a water heated plenum to our Hemi Hurricane intake....

I appreciate your interest in our products, please forward all pre-order enquiries to :

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 4:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Will the manifolds be aluminum?

Will they work with the stock exhaust manifold?
or are we forced to use headers with them?

Any idea yet on the pricing for the two barrel or the 4 barrel?


Author:  Matt Cramer [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 4:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Interesting! Good to see it will accomodate EFI, too...

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  I think...

If I had to 'redesign' the Hpak intake...

Heated intake is good... ability to slide a divider plate in between the 123 and 456 side like the 'Duntov' Chevy Intakes (so people who want to cut down on intake reversion/ make it more tuneable/ street worthy, can do so with a peice of .050 aluminum plate)...

If working toward a streetable intake, make the plenum floor have a raised 'waffle iron' pattern for better atomization of gas when the intake is cold (it takes about 2 minutes to get the water up to a 'workable temp' on the fact before I used exhaust heat on mine, there was a 50-70 degree temp difference between the flange end of the manifold and the carburator and plenum...)



Author:  65Dodge100 [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 6:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

The one pictured would fit right on my truck. It’s got a wooden engine.

Wooden - Wooden


Author:  Jopapa [ Thu Jan 24, 2008 3:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Interesting! Good to see it will accomodate EFI, too...
I agree. One of the things I'm strongly considering is starting on an EFI project for my Duster when I return home in May from this deployment. I shouldn't, but I REALLY want more cold weather driveability so I can drive it into the fall months and save some money on gasoline.

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Thu Jan 24, 2008 7:57 am ]
Post subject: 


Good to here from you! Where are you now?

This winter has been colder than normal. I am thinking of doing away with the clutch fan and going with a electric fan to better control the temperature.
The fan doesn't need to spinning all the time in these temps......

Author:  Jopapa [ Thu Jan 24, 2008 8:39 am ]
Post subject: 


Good to here from you! Where are you now?

This winter has been colder than normal. I am thinking of doing away with the clutch fan and going with a electric fan to better control the temperature.
The fan doesn't need to spinning all the time in these temps......
I'm back at Manas AB, Kyrgyzstan for my fourth time here (5th deployment overall). I was promoted to Staff Sergeant back in August, so the extra pay during this trip will help alot with my being able to get a few more projects done on the Duster when I get home. So far it looks like I should have about two grand I can freely spend on the car. I'm not sure if I should get new quarter panels, an EFI conversion and a couple other engine mods (namely a MP cam and reworked oil pump from Doug), or new suspension with a complete brake refurb and new wheels. I'm leaning towards the suspension and using whatever's left over to put towards one of these manifolds, whether it's the 2BBL or the 4BBL with 2BBL adapter. So many things to do and only so much money and time to do it with!

I too very much want to install an electric fan, but the company I was going to order the controller from (DC Control; they make/made a "real time" fan controller that controlled spin-up and fan speed to prevent high current draw and fluctuating engine temps) seems to be defunct now, so I don't know how I'll go about it now.

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Perma Cool makes that variable controller now, I think Jeg's is carrying them.

Doug's mod on the pump is to open up/flare/radius the opening of the returning oil hole from the filter. You can do that yourself.

I wouldn't go with EFI just yet until you have the engine the way you want it.

Buy some POR-15 to pickle those panels to buy some time and make them look nice and get the brakes, tires and wheels.

I am thinking of doing the two or 4 barrel also. I switched to an aluminum one barrel manifold over Christmas and it made a huge difference in mileage and power. During the fall and winter my mileage really dropped with the cast iron manifold down to 20 MPG. Now I am back to 24 mpg.

Author:  wvenable [ Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:17 am ]
Post subject: 

Looking good! Has anyone ordered from these folks? Do you have any idea what shipping would run? I assume this would weigh 15-20 lbs. or more.

Author:  Jopapa [ Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Perma Cool makes that variable controller now, I think Jeg's is carrying them.

Doug's mod on the pump is to open up/flare/radius the opening of the returning oil hole from the filter. You can do that yourself.

I wouldn't go with EFI just yet until you have the engine the way you want it.

Buy some POR-15 to pickle those panels to buy some time and make them look nice and get the brakes, tires and wheels.

I am thinking of doing the two or 4 barrel also. I switched to an aluminum one barrel manifold over Christmas and it made a huge difference in mileage and power. During the fall and winter my mileage really dropped with the cast iron manifold down to 20 MPG. Now I am back to 24 mpg.
I'm kinda leaning the way you recommended with the EFI. There's so much stuff I have yet to do, and as long as the engine's running well and not having any problems, I oughta just leave it be (bigger carb would be nice, in which case I'll go ahead and order the 2bbl manifold when it's out and put a Motorcraft carb on it.

I think the suspension and brakes will be where I start when I get home and tune up the engine. I want a nice, comfortable (and safe) ride that I know will last the duration of the restoration (hey I rhymed).

Author:  Doc [ Thu Jan 24, 2008 3:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

...Doug's mod on the pump is to open up/flare/radius the opening of the returning oil hole from the filter. You can do that yourself.
There is more to 'blueprinting' a SL6 oil pump then simply flaring the passage opening at the oil filter flange.
All the passageways and intersections get remachined which means that the pump gets dis-assembled, reworked and reassembled.
Here are some of the tools I use to do the reworking, the long shank carbide burrs are important tools for this job and those are not cheap to buy.


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