Slant Six Forum

Fuse block
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Author:  Jopapa [ Sun Jan 27, 2008 6:38 am ]
Post subject:  Fuse block

Has anyone replaced the old fuse block in their A body with a more modern style box (which would allow for more circuits, if desired)? I've been toying around with doing just this when I install new gauges and prepare for an eventual foray into EFI. I like the idea of having several constant hot connctions and several IGN hot connections (which I'll power off a relay, considering the number of aftermarket gauges I'll be installing with the plate I got from Sick6).

Something like this seems like it would be so easy to do. I'm just wondering if anyone's done it yet.

I've got my eyes on this one. It'll go in exactly where the original fuse box is:

Author:  64 Convert [ Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:06 am ]
Post subject: 

I replaced the one in my Valiant, and added another to handle additional circuits. It was easy enough to do, although I had to replace a few wires that were too short after re-terminating.

I used smaller fuse blocks than the one in your link, but they didn't have the flashers, and I had to ID the circuits with a laminated map mounted under the fuse block.

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