Slant Six Forum

Slant Wagons, Let's See 'Em
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Author:  polara pat [ Fri Feb 01, 2008 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Slant Wagons, Let's See 'Em

It seems like there are a lot of wagon loving individuals on this board. Lets show a little unity here and share some of your photos and stories. I'll start. My name is Polara Pat and I'm addicted to Mopar wagons. My Summer driver is the Green '64 V-100 that originally came with a 170 and three on the tree. After the clutch grenaded I converted to auto using a '66 Valiant donor. We now have a 225 and I'm currently building slightly hotter peanut head motor.


Author:  Old6rodder [ Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Daily driver for me:


Author:  lincparts [ Fri Feb 01, 2008 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  my 63

I'm Linc,I own a 63 plymouth wagon, 170 auto, and it my daily driver. Its currently bieng painted,uphoulstered and WILL be in Las Vegas for the gathering there. Its a super six, but soon to under go stage 2 mods ( head shave, cam,headers), but its the most fun to drive car, cause of its rarity.

Author:  65 dartman [ Fri Feb 01, 2008 3:32 pm ]
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I've got a 65 Dart wagon that that was a slant 6/904. I won it off eBay and had it transported from LA to the DC area. Plan was to drop in a 340 dressed like a 273 but may reconsider that option. Since I have all these parts, other plans include adding a 65 Barracuda interior, 66 Barracuda Formula S dash, factory-type AC, front discs, 8 & 3/4 rear. Not the best picture but hopefully it'll work ... 1201908604
IMG_0714.jpg 65 Dart wagon picture by moparrman

Author:  starion88esir [ Fri Feb 01, 2008 10:05 pm ]
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I drool every time I see your signature pic Polara Pat, and that is one bitchin' bike.

Author:  polara pat [ Sat Feb 02, 2008 8:42 am ]
Post subject: 

I drool every time I see your signature pic Polara Pat, and that is one bitchin' bike.
That can't be good for your keyboard. Thanks, the bike is my girl's '40 Elgin.

Author:  tophat [ Sat Feb 02, 2008 3:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well it is not an A body, or a slant. This is our 67 Coronet 440 wagon. It is powered by an LA318. It is undergoing a disk brake swap and manual to power brake swap at this time. This will be the wifes daily driver when it is finished.


It appears to be a 68xxx mile survivor car that we are the third owners of.
Sorry that the pics aren't that great, I need to take more in the daylight.
I love wagons, had quite a few of brand X wagons in my past, nothing like a wagon.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sat Feb 02, 2008 4:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

I haven't got a picture, but I've got a couple stories about wagons I've owned. One of them is from 13 years ago or so and is on my archive of Joey Newhouse's Dodge Dart site. That '64 wound up being too rusty (and too nicotine-encrusted) for me to save.

Then there was the '63 Valiant wagon I was given on my month-long 2000 visit to the SF Bay area. Some sharp-eyed readers on here may remember that car. It was a red V200 with 225 and automatic. I had some assistance picking it up not too far from Sunnyvale, went to the DMV and while I don't remember the details, the experience was surprisingly quick and easy given the horror stories one hears about the CA DMV. I stopped at Discount Tire and put $100 worth of BRK tires on it, stopped at a parts store and threw in an air cleaner, a headlamp, a brake light bulb, and a couple other minor parts. So I had a wagon! It was old and worn, and shot coolant out the overflow tube on hard braking, but it ran and drove and stopped, more or less. I scared the heck out of the friend I was staying with by picking him up at work in the wagon and driving him home on the freeway...the harder he white-knuckled the dashboard, the bigger my grin got.

That was the car I parked in public parking smack in the middle of San Francisco for 4 days for a grand total of $18 or so when I suddenly had to fly back to Denver for a few days — if you've been there, you'll have to think through how I might've done this. If you've not been there, that's about 10% of what it should've cost to park in that area.

When I was all done with my visit, I sold the car to a local friend for $500. I have no idea where it is now. I hope it got restored, which was what he planned to do.

Author:  polara pat [ Sat Feb 02, 2008 5:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nice story Dan, it's amazing how sometimes the tale of the car can be worth more than the vehicle value.
I may as well step up and tell the tale of the mighty "Esmeralda". My good friends and racing mentors on Vashon Isl. Wa. knew that I was on the hunt for a '64 A-body wagon, so when this one showed up and nobody wanted to buy it, they told me to come and get it. Being something of an adventurer, I decided to fly to Seattle with only a carry-on full of minimal clothes and all the tools I could carry. The car previously belonged to a junkie bar tender who beat the living crap out of it. There were no floors to speak of and it was "professionally" (ahem) painted a chewed bubble gum blue. This is the point that most guys would have gotten back on the plane but I know a diamond in the rough when I see one. The poor old 170 hadn't breathed life in years so it really took some vu-du to make it fire. Brakes were next on the list and made pressure with a little fluid in the pot and some bleeding. We did our most shady paper work deal to date and I made the long trek home without incident. The border crossing was a joke since I actually blinded them in a stack of paper work that just happen to hold some degree of continuity. The rest is really history and I've been steadily hammering on the old girl for the past six years. It's the kind of project that will never end and I'm fine with that since we still really enjoy it and feel that we're giving something back when we make any upgrade.

Author:  bbbbbb9 [ Sun Feb 03, 2008 5:47 am ]
Post subject: 

Pops worked for Dodge Truck Mound road plant in Detroit so we always had Mopars.

Stationwagon Love must be from the summers we went to the lake in the old 62 Belvedere or maybe the 64 who knows. Cousins just laying on the cargo area floor together.

I have had a 64 Valient and a 64 Dart as dailey drivers but never a wagon. Currently STILL collecting parts for what has turned out to be a "Wrecks to probably not close to Riches" type of build. Got the body from a local junkyard that was in the mode of sending the old stuff to the crusher. Minus doghouse 1966 dart SW.

Bought a 64 Dart wagon off the net from the CA coast area (rotted roof pillars) but the front fenders and hood suprisingly rust free. After I sold the tranny I had about $50 in it (and that included transpo)

Found a 77 Aspen wagon for $300 for the 6, 4 speed (and all that goes with that). Have sales lined up that should MAKE me some project money (I don't gouge).

Forgot to add the discs and differential I got out of a 73 Duster. Sold the engine, tranny for what I bought the car for.

Needless to say it's a basketcase and I'm slow. Other projects/life you know the drill.

I will post picks soon.

Author:  polara pat [ Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:37 am ]
Post subject: 

Well here's another one from the collection that we affectionately call "The Atomic Six". It's a '66 Belvedere that was salvaged from the two derelict wagons that you see in the first image. It was really tough to decide which one was worse but the white on was slightly straighter. In retrospect the blue one had mint floors and would have saved many hours of welding, oh well. It's all together now with stock early vintage (3 frost plugs) slant and a 904. We've been driving it on the back roads when there isn't three feet of snow on the ground and it runs great. This car will also be for sale in the Spring but we need to work out some little bugs first.





Author:  InThePink [ Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here's my '77 Aspen:




Super Six/904 (soon to be A-833 O.D. 4-speed) with 124k miles. Lovin' it so far!


Author:  juro the dog [ Sun Mar 23, 2008 3:02 am ]
Post subject: 

Hello there! Grrrreetings from Finland!

I would like to see some more aspen stw pics... Does anyone know where to find them?

I´m building some kind of a lowrider-kustom, or what ever, out of my 1980 stw (slant+904, of course!) and I would like to know is there more fools like me! :D
Some might say that I´ve frozen my head. Some have said, as a matter of fact.

No pics of my project available yet, sorry...

Author:  dakight [ Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:52 am ]
Post subject: 

What some say doesn't matter. It's your car; do what you want.

Author:  Mr.Lazman [ Sun Mar 23, 2008 3:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here's some pics of my 1969 plymouth fury surburban..


Grtzz Roger

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