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Leaf springs interchangable?
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Author:  RDJ [ Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:44 am ]
Post subject:  Leaf springs interchangable?

Will the leaf springs from a 73 Dart Swinger fit a 67 Barracuda fastback?

Also, can Dart front seats and Barracuda (A body) interchange?

The reason I ask, I picked up a 67 Barracuda, but Dart parts (at least listed that way) are more plentiful and cheaper.

JC Whitney lists leaf springs for a Dart, but not a Barracuda. BTW, what happened to JC Whitney's 5-leaf leaf springs. All that are listed are the 4-leaf.

Author:  Matt Cramer [ Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:39 am ]
Post subject: 

All A-body leaf springs are the same size, although they were made in a wide variety of spring rates.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:34 am ]
Post subject: 

JC Witless get their springs and accessories from John R Spring Service on DeQuindre Rd. near Troy, MI. Nothing wrong with the product, but JC Witless are a bunch of yutzes. You'll have much better service and support from ESPO . They don't list springs on their site because there are so many variants. Call up and talk to them.

Seats: Yes.

Author:  bbbbbb9 [ Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:41 am ]
Post subject: 

JC Witless get their springs and accessories from John R Spring Service on DeQuindre Rd. near Troy, MI. Nothing wrong with the product, but JC Witless are a bunch of yutzes. You'll have much better service and support from ESPO . They don't list springs on their site because there are so many variants. Call up and talk to them.

Seats: Yes.

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Author:  bbbbbb9 [ Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:47 am ]
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I wish Espo was open today. I have a guy hauling off a car and I want to get rid of the heavy stuff I don't need. Unfortunately with shipping the ways it's going, holding on the springs with less than half their life in them on the off chance someone might want them 3 years from now DON'T work.

I'm going to have to just take a bunch of measurements to see if the Aspen SW springs will work on the 66 Dart SW. Been searching google and this site for a reference to an O-line spring supplier who will use part numbers so I can comaper.

Author:  Matt Cramer [ Sun Feb 17, 2008 3:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm going to have to just take a bunch of measurements to see if the Aspen SW springs will work on the 66 Dart SW. Been searching google and this site for a reference to an O-line spring supplier who will use part numbers so I can comaper.
The front section is 4" longer on the F-body springs, according to the Mopar Performance Chassis Manual. Rear section is an inch shorter. They definitely won't bolt in. Whether they could be put in with some weird fabrication may be another story. I wouldn't want to try it though.

Author:  RDJ [ Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the responses. When I restored my Dart last year or so, I got the front end kit and leaf springs from ESPO. Espo's springs have twice as many of the inserts (forgive my lack of the proper term here) that hold the springs together, which would indicate a higher quality.

However, with money a little short, JC Whit has the free shipping thing, and I live in Cali. I will still order all the shackles and u-bolts, etc. from ESPO though. I am going to call JC Whit tomorrow to see if they have the 5 leaf, since the 5's are not listed.

Author:  bbbbbb9 [ Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:43 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm going to have to just take a bunch of measurements to see if the Aspen SW springs will work on the 66 Dart SW. Been searching google and this site for a reference to an O-line spring supplier who will use part numbers so I can comaper.
The front section is 4" longer on the F-body springs, according to the Mopar Performance Chassis Manual. Rear section is an inch shorter. They definitely won't bolt in. Whether they could be put in with some weird fabrication may be another story. I wouldn't want to try it though.

Thanks a bunch. I gotta get that book

Author:  RDJ [ Mon Feb 18, 2008 10:38 am ]
Post subject: 

FYI, I just called JC Whitless, they couldn't find the 5-leaf OR the 4-leaf. Apparently (according to the guy on the phone), the manufacturer posted the leaf springs, but they don't have any. Makes sense? Not to me either.

He said he would get back to me in a couple of days on those (I'll be holding my breath).

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