Slant Six Forum

Brake adapter help please!
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Author:  radarsonwheels [ Sun Feb 17, 2008 1:42 am ]
Post subject:  Brake adapter help please!

I'mwrapping up a ford 7.5" swap and I am pretty sure I know just enough to be dangerous.

The brake line our cars is called double flared, right? The tube is bubbled out with a die, then pushed back into a concave cone which ultimately gets pressed to a seperate convex dome with a hole in it in a m/c or drum slave cyl. by the brass fitting that comes on pre-made brake line you can buy at every auto supply?

What exactly do you call this type of fitting? I need to get an adapter to go from the tee at the end of the rear rubber line (73 dart- I think it fits standard 3/16" double flare) to the wheel cylinders (slightly bigger hole, same style fitting) on my newly installed ford 7.5" rear. The next size up at the store was 1/4" brake line but I didn't see lines with combo fittings- 3/16" on one side and 1/4" on the other... Where can I find that?

What choices do I have? Can I buy lines with 2 sizes of fitting? Where? What is the name of the adapter I want to buy, either to go from hard line to a short piece of bigger hard line, or from one line right into an adapter screwed into the wheel cyl.?

This is the last thing I gotta do before I can drive my swinger to the alignment shop and stop limping my demon as a commuter with 4.10 rear!


Author:  65Dodge100 [ Sun Feb 17, 2008 3:13 am ]
Post subject: 

I’m not positive this will work but I think you’re looking for Edelmann #258340, Everco # 7818, or Weatherhead # 7818.

They are for adapting 3/16 brake line to a master cylinder with a hole for 1/4 “ line.

Also Dorman 7818

Advance Auto Parts has it


Author:  tophat [ Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:59 am ]
Post subject: 

IIRC it is called a "double ISO flare"
You will need to use the adapters as stated above. The only way I know to get the brake line with different ends on each end is to make your own. Most major autoparts stores have a "flare kit" in their loan a tool program. It is not really that hard to do, but I would get an extra piece of line to "practice" on, as it is a skill to be learned, but not real hard to learn. Either way, good luck.


Author:  radarsonwheels [ Sun Feb 17, 2008 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Thanks fellas

I'm gonna try to hook it up tonight if I can find the fittings.

I have flared tubing before, but it was stainless, and a pain in the ass. If I'm going with galvanized I think I'd rather just find the adapters.

Thanks again

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