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8 1/4" rear questions
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Author:  NewSlanter [ Sun Feb 17, 2008 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  8 1/4" rear questions

I just picked up an 8 1/4" rear for next to nothing. Good news; came with a decent set of springs (mine are getting pretty saggy). Bad news; it's a 2.45:1. I know to put quicker gears in I'll need a different carrier. What kind of vehicle should I be looking for? Will the carrier from a truck diff fit?
I just happen to have a new set of bearings for this axle, so I'll be opening her up anyways and I'd like to swap out the gears at the same time. Also, is there a kit available with all the brake parts (springs, shoes, cylinders, other bits..) for 10" rear drum brakes? The brakes on the car now are 9" and in rough shape. I'll need new drums and shoes one way or the other, so an upgrade seems in order, no?

Thanks in advance,


Author:  Joshie225 [ Sun Feb 17, 2008 10:38 pm ]
Post subject: 


Last I checked 8 1/4 Sure-Grip carriers were almost priced reasonably. All the 8 1/4s through 1996 are possible carrier and gear donors. Just checked. A Mopar Performance Sure-Grip is $289.95 from Mancini Racing. P4529273 Chrysler Parts Direct is $282.69.

When you say you have bearings for this axle you mean carrier bearings? Pinion? Axle shaft?

There is no one brake parts kit. You need shoes, a full set of springs (should include hold-down and return) plus self adjuster repair kits and wheel cylinders for both sides.

Are the brakes on the 8 1/4 shot or missing?

I just brought home a 3.21 geared 8 1/4 for my Valiant. Since I already had a big bolt pattern 7 1/4 in the car I can reuse my existing brakes.

Author:  NewSlanter [ Sun Feb 17, 2008 11:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sorry, I have a set of axle bearings. The brakes are missing altogether. There were a pair of drums on it (rusty and too thin to be machined) but nothing inside. I'm gonna need to make up some brake lines for it as well (unless there are pre-bent ones available) as the ones on it have been cut.

As to the gears, the sure grip you listed, does it come with a carrier? I seem to remember there was a problem putting higher gears on a 2.45 carrier. (I want 3.23 or so)



Author:  Joshie225 [ Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:59 am ]
Post subject: 

If you change the gears you'll probably want a gear installation kit which pinion and carrier bearings, shims, seals, etc. Check out for parts. There are open carriers and Sure-Grip carriers. A new open carrier there is $145.40. For double the price you can have a Sure-Grip carrier.

Parts for rear ends are not cheap. This is why I paid $150 and drove 240 miles when I found a 3.21 geared A-body 8 1/4. It was a bargain.

You can use brakes from a big bolt pattern 7 1/4. I've used F-body brakes from a 7 1/4 on an 8 3/4 even. The shoes and hardware did change through the years so take note if you buy used parts. If you were anywhere near me (Are you?) I have most everything you need except for the brake lines. Inline Tube makes brake lines if you aren't handy with a double flare tool.

Author:  volaredon [ Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:45 am ]
Post subject: 

There was just a new-in-the-Spicer-box Sure Grip for a '96-older 8-1/4 on Ebay last nite for $49. I pd $65. shipped to my door for my last one about 2 months ago. There are many on there for $189-239 as well, but are no different other than the higher price tag. Yes, this $49 Sure Grip was listed as being for the 2.71-numerically higher gearing too.

Author:  Joshie225 [ Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

D@mn! I need a deal like that. I need two or three 8 1/4 Sure-Grips, but only have one! I can't decide which car will be the lucky one.

Author:  volaredon [ Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Check Ebay, the one on there last nite might still be. I don't remember when it was supposed to end. You gotta put in more than "8-1/4" or "8.25" or youll get a bunch of unrelated stuff; lots of 8-1/4" long, 3/8 drive ratchets, it seems. Try "8.25 rear" or "Mopar 8 1/4".

Author:  volaredon [ Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Check Ebay, the one on there last nite might still be. I don't remember when it was supposed to end. You gotta put in more than "8-1/4" or "8.25" or youll get a bunch of unrelated stuff; lots of 8-1/4" long, 3/8 drive ratchets, it seems. Try "8.25 rear" or "Mopar 8 1/4".

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