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Opinions on these "heat sink" trans coolers?
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Author:  Dart270 [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Opinions on these "heat sink" trans coolers?

Anyone tried these? ... 0203849591

These are basically an extruded aluminum finned tube with fluid running through it.

I am looking at replacing the tube/fin type I have on Project V that was mounted under the passenger seat. I will not run a cooler in the radiator, only the one under the car. This has worked pretty well, but I could use a little more cooling? May try a tube/fin type with fan or an air director under the car.



Author:  Joshie225 [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 7:04 pm ]
Post subject: 


I don't like the lack of heat rejection area on those coolers. The plate type coolers do work better than the tube and fin. I'd use a plate type cooler if you need more cooling.

Author:  Bren67Cuda904 [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 7:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have not experiance with that type, but it looks like it could take a beating better than a tube fin type.
I am running the B&M plate type
I was very surprized how cold the outlet was to the touch. :shock:

Author:  slantzilla [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 7:46 pm ]
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Lou, IIRC, Mike has one of those on the blue car, under the passenger seat. The blue car doesn't see much street time though. :lol:

Author:  slantvaliant [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 8:19 pm ]
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I've been thinking about a trans cooler too, for my '64 Valiant. Space up front is at a premium, so the frame-mounts have some advantage. The trick is to get airflow all around it.
The plate type is probably more efficient, if you can find a place for it. A fan would help, but there are then current-draw and switching issues on top of the placement problem.

Author:  66aCUDA [ Mon Feb 25, 2008 6:55 am ]
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Would you use this instead of the rad cooler or in addition to?

Author:  volaredon [ Mon Feb 25, 2008 7:27 am ]
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I would say in addition to.

Author:  sandy in BC [ Mon Feb 25, 2008 7:37 am ]
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At the beginning of the post Lou said instead of...

Author:  Dart270 [ Mon Feb 25, 2008 7:58 am ]
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Yep, no radiator cooler circuit at all. I have done this for years with no problems, using a 12"X9" old style tube/fin cooler.

Just looking to simplify and make more efficient.


Author:  dakight [ Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

I know that excessive heat will damage the transmission but what about running it too cool? I have considered makeing that change on my Dakota to take some of the heat load off the cooling system in the summer but I wasn't sure if it would get warm enough in the winter. If it's feasable I might do it with the 62 Signet as well.

Author:  Slant Cecil [ Mon Feb 25, 2008 5:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Some of the coolers with fans come with a temp switch to help get the ATF warmed up.

If there was an temp controlled electric valve that could be put inline to bypass AFT untill warm would make the heat sink unit a simpler solution. Anyone know of an electric valve that would fit in 1/4" tubing and be ATF compatible?

The cooler in the link is 18" long. If it's not big enough, I've seen them up to 36".

Author:  RDJ [ Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:24 am ]
Post subject: 

I have not experiance with that type, but it looks like it could take a beating better than a tube fin type.
I am running the B&M plate type
I was very surprized how cold the outlet was to the touch. :shock:
Where did you mount this and did you use any special lines? and is this in addition to the rad cooler, or instead of the rad cooler?

Author:  Sam Powell [ Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lou, I know this is not what you asked, but if you are still driving your K car, I would suggest putting an extra tranny cooler on that car. I have been meaning to suggest this for some time now, and always forgot. You will get more miles out of it. If the factory had done that, they would have had far fewer tranny failures on their front drivers of all years.

I have not had any experience with the type you are asking about however.


Author:  Dart270 [ Tue Mar 04, 2008 6:50 am ]
Post subject: 

K car is gone, alas. Tranny never made a peep, though. Great car and was running great, but had some rust issues, dash cracked up, front whl bearings and CVs going, so we gave it away. I guess the mechanic fixed it up and sold it cheap to another customer and it's still driving!

'87 Aries LE - awesome bang for the buck!

She drives a 2001 Saturn SL1 now - 37-40 MPG hwy at 70-80 MPH, lots more power and handling than the K - also a great little car.


Author:  slantvaliant [ Tue Mar 04, 2008 7:01 am ]
Post subject: 

A trans cooler might have saved the transmission in our much-missed Caravan. However, about the time the transmission started misbehaving, the engine also showed signs of needing a rebuild. I wasn't looking forward to rebuilding/replacing both, and a relation's Suburban became available at a really good price ... Adios Caravan.

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