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Author:  icaneat50eggs [ Mon Feb 25, 2008 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  904

I will be buying a 904 transmission soon. How do I tell what year I need? Something to do with a pilot hole in the rear of the crank? Do I need to find the year of my engine? I can post pics if that will help. Edit I just got of the phone with a guy that said the transmissions are the same, its the torque converter that fits in the pilot in the crank shaft. Is this accurate? The casting # on the block are 2806830-1

Author:  Doc [ Mon Feb 25, 2008 1:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Measure the crank's pilot hole, it should be 1.810 for a 2806830-1 engine.
The correct 904 will have a 7/8 diameter input shaft with 27 splines.

Author:  Evilsizer [ Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

not sure what it would take to do this but if your buying a 904. i would look for the 80's model with the lower 1st gear. You could always if possible get the one you are going to get rebuilt with the lower 1st gear.

i am looking into another trans atm if i dont rebuild my 904, which are the A998/999. still tring to find out physical size for the 998/999 to see if it would be possible to use as a replacemnt to the 904. not sure if you thought about that or not, just giving ya ideas!

Author:  icaneat50eggs [ Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Doug, I dont have access to the hole in the crank shaft yet. I need to drive the car until I get a different trans, or it finally craps out. I have obligated myself to purchase Reeds 904 in the for sale section. I have also purchased the trans manual from ebay so I can rebuild one at my pace.

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