Slant Six Forum

That was slick...easy steering column alignment
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Author:  DusterIdiot [ Wed Feb 27, 2008 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  That was slick...easy steering column alignment

Today I installed my new/reconditioned firm feel box, and found that you can get everything put back together 'easier' without tearing apart the coupler... Just remove steering column, center box and steering wheel... make sure all the splines are clean (in the coupler too...)... install box shaft into coupler, knock in the pin, pull box back to the K-member and bolt in... then bolt the steering column back in...

Sure beats, trying to get it centered and having a buddy in the driver's seat hold the column while you 'aim'....

Now we'll see if the rest of the car goes back together just as nicely...


"175 ft/lbs for the pitman arm nut... wholly fuzz... that torque wrench is as long as my arm!!!!!"

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