Slant Six Forum

Wiring screw ups
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Author:  zerglin87 [ Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Wiring screw ups

at this point i am rather pissed off at the last person who worked on my dart, when i check the wiring underneath the dash, i noticed how most if not all of the wires are not correctly placed when i looked in the shop manual for my car. Either way, i decided to do the work myself, and im trying to hit two ((or more)) birds with one stone. FIRST OFF:

Whenever my car idles the red oil lamp light starts to struggle to turn on ((blinks and fades at the same time.)) But whenever I raise the RPM at any gear and time, the light will disappear, it seems to activate at a low RPM for some reason.

Dash lighting doesnt work properly, have to "hit it" to get it to work.

Fuses blow every week.

whenever i turn on my hazard lights instead of blinking at the same time at the same frequency, their frequencies are changed and they end up blinking at different times.

This is the list that i can currently think of, tell me this is not a cluster**** lol.

Author:  Joshie225 [ Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

The oil light comes on because of a lack of oil pressure, not an electrical problem.

The dash lights can be tricky to get working properly. The headlight switch has to be good, the cluster connector and the cluster pins in good contact and the bulb sockets tight against clean copper on the circuit board.

Blowing fuses is usually easy to cure. I once would blow my brake light fuss intermittently. Turns out the backup light harness was laying on the exhaust.

The hazard lights flashing erratically is usually just the hazard flasher.

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Lol...

I once would blow my brake light fuss intermittently.
Had that problem... the 1967 Brake light wire is OEM run under the parking brake lever assembly... after 40 years of use, the lever saws a nice chunk out of the insulation and it grounds against the lever... check it , put some PVC or thick tape around it... it'll never happen again....

I hope...



Author:  zerglin87 [ Sat Mar 01, 2008 12:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lol...

I once would blow my brake light fuss intermittently.
Had that problem... the 1967 Brake light wire is OEM run under the parking brake lever assembly... after 40 years of use, the lever saws a nice chunk out of the insulation and it grounds against the lever... check it , put some PVC or thick tape around it... it'll never happen again....

I hope...


I have the same problem, my handbrake light never works, ill might have to check and see if i have this problem as well.

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