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Jeep Dana 44 rear axle retrofit?
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Author:  SlantSixDan [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Jeep Dana 44 rear axle retrofit?

I know nothing about Jeep rear axles, but I wonder if a Dana 44 rear axle from a CJ, SJ, or XJ could easily be put in place of a 7-1/4 or 8-1/4 in an A-body or an '80s D-series pickup truck, respectively. Anyone on here familiar with the Jeeps?

Author:  Jopapa [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:52 pm ]
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I've seen the Dana 44 option mentioned a couple of times, but haven't heard of anything coming of it.

I'm curious too, as A body 8 3/4" axles are getting really hard (and expensive) to find and I really want to install an Eaton/Detroit Truetrac so I can have piece of mind that I won't grenade my differential when I dump the clutch.

Author:  sandy in BC [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 4:17 pm ]
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My son has a Jeep Cherokee (it ate my finger) has an 8.25..

They have decent brakes , are leaf spring and often come with Moparish steel rims. They are 5 on 4.5. They are about 3"too wide. Lots of guys swap 8.8 explorer axles into cherokees......

Author:  argentina-slantsixer [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 4:48 pm ]
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our dodges had the Dana 44 rear ends. From what I've seen on import che4rokees LTD (the ones with V8) the differential matches our cars spring perch configuration and such. Jeeps with 4L engines had a different differentials.

Author:  volaredon [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 4:50 pm ]
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I had the same thoughts of either an XJ (Cherokee) rear, especially if I could find a Dana 44 or an 87-90 Dakota for my volare before I found the F body 8-1/4 and acquired all new guts for it including the Trak lok Suregrip unit. When I was turning wrenches for a living I remember taking measurements off a few customers' Jeeps that came thru my bay so that I had them when going junking; I don't know if I kept those papers or not, have to look thru my old tool chest. The Jeep guys all swear off the Dana 30s/35s and the latese 4WD mag I got had a "top 10 rearends to avoid" article and surprisingly the 8-1/4 was like the 2nd one listed.

Author:  slantvaliant [ Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:11 am ]
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The Jeep guys all swear off the Dana 30s/35s and the latese 4WD mag I got had a "top 10 rearends to avoid" article and surprisingly the 8-1/4 was like the 2nd one listed.
I've heard the same thing before, but it occurs to me that their needs are different from ours. If you're building a rock crawler, listen to them.

Author:  volaredon [ Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Ididnt say that I BELIEVED everything that I read in that article, just sharing info that I've come across. As I said, I DO already have an 8-1/4 that I have all new (standard-stock, nothing at all exotic) parts for, that I fully intend on using in my project car. If I blow it up, which I doubt with my intended usage, I will consider other options.

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