Slant Six Forum

Torque Convertor
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Author:  mopar_nocar [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Torque Convertor

I'm building a slant for my 65 barracuda. The engine build up is over in the engine section....short version: higher compression via milling block, 270 Erson cam, 904 Tranny, 3.55 rear.

What convertor do I go with? Its a daily driver type car that I MIGHT occassionally run out at the track. I have a good "stock" convertor. I've never messed with higher stall convertors. I realize its some of the best $ spent on a hop up project, but what does my combo need?


Author:  mopar_nocar [ Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:45 am ]
Post subject:  help thyself.....

Most (all) of the reading I have done is centered around V8s especially small blocks. Same info apply to /6 converters? If so; does a 2200 stall sound right for this build or am I reading something wrong?


Author:  Dart270 [ Fri Feb 29, 2008 7:03 am ]
Post subject: 

You need to take a V8 spec for the stall and multiply it by about 3/4. the V8 904 converter will physically fit your Slant trans, if the years are the same (65-down, 66-up - or 67-up?).

So, a V8 converter that is rated for 3000 stall will only stall about 2000-2400 on a Slant. Best to buy a V8 converter rated for 3400-3800, which will put you around 2600-2800 on your Slant. Or, get a custom-built converter.


Author:  mopar_nocar [ Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:27 am ]
Post subject:  Wow...

I had no idea it was that much of a difference. I'll need to reevaluate things.


Author:  mopar_nocar [ Sat Mar 01, 2008 2:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

So, I found a company called Alabama Converters....anyone know anything about them?

On a side note, is it safe to assume a slant TC with a known stall behind a /6 would stall significanyly higher behind a V8? Or were the same converters installed from the factory /6 or V8?

I recall hearing an old trick in the chevy circles. Using a Vega TC behind a V8 (maybe) to get a cheap Hi stall converter. Just wondering if that idea was applicable here.

Author:  slantzilla [ Sat Mar 01, 2008 2:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

So, I found a company called Alabama Converters....anyone know anything about them?
I bought an Alabama converter once. It was so far out of balance that it almost shook the windshield out of the Duster going down the highway. I know that anyone can have an off day though.
On a side note, is it safe to assume a slant TC with a known stall behind a /6 would stall significanyly higher behind a V8? Or were the same converters installed from the factory /6 or V8?
A Slant converter is the same thing as a small block one. It will stall a couple hundred higher behind a small block.
I recall hearing an old trick in the chevy circles. Using a Vega TC behind a V8 (maybe) to get a cheap Hi stall converter. Just wondering if that idea was applicable here.
There was one small problem with using the Vega converter. They would only last a couple runs before they were fried.

Author:  sandy in BC [ Sat Mar 01, 2008 4:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

I ran a Pinto 1600cc convertor in a C4 behind a 300+ hp Ford 300 6.....Scares me now just to think about it. It never broke....but a lot of C4s did.

I ran the Pinto convertor because at the time there were really no modified convertors around in my neck of the woods. (1972)

Author:  Bren67Cuda904 [ Sat Mar 01, 2008 4:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Bite the bullet and buy a converter from a good company that has built slant6 convertor before. They will know how to build it right the first time. Sure most will adjust the stall one time for free, but what a pain in the a**. I have bought 4 coverters from different companies and all were not right. The last converter I just bought is faster and better on the street. Yes you heard me right, the best of both worlds.
FTI competition converters (Force Technologies Inc)
1607 N. Woodland Blvd
Deland, FL 32720
386-804-2705 Greg Samuel
Mine was just over $400 and I saved shipping because there kind of local.
Spend it now or spend it later.

PS You must be dead honest with what your building and your true goals. And don't overstate your HP because it sounds cool.

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