Slant Six Forum

Larger spiders?
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Author:  Old6rodder [ Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Larger spiders?


Last November I had to butcher some used spiders from an unknown vintage rear into my Toad's 7 1/4" rear as an emergency measure. I wound up having to swap the carrier too as the spiders I'd pulled were slightly larger than the ones I'd broken, fortunately the carrier bearings and axle splines were the same. I also had to shorten the tips of the original pinion teeth slightly (that was fun :? ) to clear the donor carrier. As I said; an emergency measure, a fast & dirty cobble, but it saved the day (and is still holding forth).

This leaves me with two questions ......
1. When did they change to the larger spiders?
2. What else in the rear end did they change at that time? ie. outer bearings, pinion installation, etc.?

I'd like to rebuild the beefier donor rear and use it in place of the original for hauling reasons (the pads look to be right) but need to know what year(s)/model(s) parts to chase down.

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