Slant Six Forum

Rear Height Ajustments (new axle help)
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Author:  runvs_826 [ Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Rear Height Ajustments (new axle help)

Ok, well we installed an 8.8 and originally I believed I didn't have the perches set at the correct angles. There was an extreme vibration that lessened under acceleration. So we knew we could install shims, but according to pop's math the front was lower than the back(?). The car's back in otherwords sat really low. So we got some axle perches and moved the spring perches from the bottom of the axle to the top. The vibration is still there but just barely so we are going to install a new u-joint in the front which should fix it according to my limited knowledge.
So here's the kicker, now that we installed the perches on top instead of having a 1/4 in before between the tire and car, know there is 7.5 in between the tire and fender! What would cause such a drastic height difference? I have no idea what tired springs would cause. Well, if all else fails we are deciding to go with a four link. However, is there is suggestions or help I would appreciate it cause I would pefer to get the car back on the road.

Author:  Joshie225 [ Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

The axle belongs on top of the springs. It's much more stable that way. Jeep Wranglers are built this way to increase stability. If the car was too low with the axle on top of the springs where it belongs then you most likely need new springs.

You still need to correct the pinion angle to fix the vibration.

Author:  runvs_826 [ Sun Mar 02, 2008 12:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks, I think you were telling us something we were kinda overlooking. I was thinking about putting the springs back under the axle and getting some shims to correct the angle, I believe it was 4.5deg instead of whatever the tolerance was. We will look at new springs to go with it. Also, what about the super whatever springs from Summit instead of rearching? Thanks again.

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