Slant Six Forum

Changed the rear gear again.
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Author:  Bren67Cuda904 [ Tue Mar 04, 2008 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Changed the rear gear again.

Well I am back to where I started rear rear wise. I am kicking myself big time with the 3 gear changes. Started with 3.55 and ended with 3.55. Of course I got the overdrive to go with them now so its the best of both world. The 3.07 gear was kind of good for both highway and strip if you needed to do both. Unfortunatly this ratio is not easy to find, at least for me.
The 1-2 shift in the rain now can get your attention. Can't wait for the road to dry up and see what my burnout looks like. :D :D After that it back to the accelerometer to start checking 60" times and adjusting suspention and tire psi.
The one item on a car that has always been out of my techical ability has been rear differential setup. (I had a couple lockup and I followed the manual to the tee. Guess not. :roll: ) The second thing, I didn't own the tools involved. Considering both, I pay to have this done. With the money spent I could have bought all the tools and paid for a semester at the local autotech school. :roll:
The gear change just before this one was quoted at $300 and took 6 hours to get the pattern right. You just couldn't get it close anywhere. He installed the set probably 20 times. BTW this guy is a good mechanic, I was able to stand nearby and watch and even help (at his invatation) at the end. I helped hold the pinon in while he installed the driveshaft yoke?. A long story short, I thought I new which pinon shim came out of the orignal 3.55 setup and therefor asked if we could go with Time and Materials this time. I figured we hit the shim on the first try (because I knew which one it was, .026) and the job would take about 2 hours and I'd spend about half as before. I was wrong. Turns out the shime stack needed was .068, total time about 6 hours. :shock: :shock: :cry: I guess asking the orignal shop to give me back the shims from the orginal install of these gears didn't work some good. I conclude that they just grab some from the floor and handed them over. :wink:
Well, all is good and it runs quiet.

Author:  Dart270 [ Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

That should be a perfect gear with the OD. I'm ready for a ride!


Author:  sandy in BC [ Wed Mar 05, 2008 4:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

I agree ....3.55 with an OD is 2 weeks Im ready for a race!

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