Slant Six Forum

K Member/suspension swap
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Author:  CARS [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  K Member/suspension swap

There has been a slight change to my EFI/Turbo engine. My '68 just runs too good to mess with (tear it down and two years later get it running :lol: ).

I have a '71 Swinger that I planned on turning into a B.B. drag car. It was going to be a full tilt tube/glass car. What I think I want to do now is just build my turbo engine in that car but it was a 318 car so I am going to need a different K member (don't really need the tube chassis with a 400 HP engine... or do I :wink: ).

My question is what are the benifits of using a '73-'76 K member instead of a pre-'73 K member?

I know I can get the "good" factory discs with the newer member but what about sway bar location? I heard that it is in a different location than my '68. Any interference problems?

Author:  Joshie225 [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:32 am ]
Post subject: 

I have the '73 and newer K-member in my '72 Dart Swinger. Only changes are the newer spool type motor mounts, a later sway bar and the disc brakes. Car didn't have a sway bar so I bought one for a '73+ car. It's really easy.

Author:  CARS [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Josh. Are the spool type mounts better (or easier to get) than the old ones?

Author:  Joshie225 [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Josh. Are the spool type mounts better (or easier to get) than the old ones?
You're welcome. Spool type mounts are fail safe so I feel they are better. Even if the rubber is completely gone the engine won't go too far. You can get both rubber and polyurethane inserts for the spool mounts so if you're racing with a stick you can better tie down the engine with the poly. Both are easy to get. Any parts store can get rubber, Energy Suspension does poly.

Author:  Red [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:38 am ]
Post subject: 

I also changed to a later K-frame that came off the same donor car that supplied the front disc brake stuff for my '71 Dart upgrade. I was pulling everything apart to re-bush/re-paint and had the engine/tranny out anyway, so swapping k-frames wasn't much extra work. Also used the 8-1/4" rear with 10" drums, master cylinder, prop valve, hard lines, sway bar and wheels from same car.

I agree with Josh on the spool mounts, plus they just look cleaner to me.

Author:  CARS [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 1:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the K-member info guys.

Now about those '73 and up disc brakes. Are they single piston calipers? Are you guys happy with their stopping ability and parts availibility??

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