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Stiffer springs
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Author:  MichaelS [ Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Stiffer springs

Has anyone used the torsion bars and leafs from Just Suspension in NC? They suggest 6 leaf in the rear and they only have one size torsion bar, there own secret recipe. I want a good handling setup, not for drag racing just street, maybe an autocross or 2. Any suggestions? They also suggested the KYB shocks.
My car is a '74 Dart

Author:  Joshie225 [ Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Don't forget about Firm Feel. They have multiple sizes of torsion bars and are a 100% Mopar shop. Espo is probably your best bet for the rear springs. They can provide what the car needs and not just the one part they have on the shelf.

KYBs are decent dampers, but the ride isn't that great. Edelbrock is a step up in ride and handling, but also a big step up in price. I use QA1 Stocker Stars on my car as they are adjustable and control the 1.04" torsion bars very well while providing a very good ride. $140 each hurts, but since they work and are adjustable and rebuildable I think they are worth it.

Author:  twofosho [ Tue Mar 25, 2008 8:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

I used Mopar Performance replacement 340 springs with the factory staggered leaves, bought from my local dealer. The good part is they're not a generic replacement, but were engineered for the car by mother Mopar. No more saggy, baggy, rear!

Running KYBs on the rear only until I install the front end parts;
Firm feel tie rod ends, Moog offset upper bushings, new rubber Moog lowers, new ball joints, Mopar performance T bars of the .920 flavour, 1 3/8 inch 90 Seville front stabilizer bar (adjusted to fit!), front KYBs, the big front brake rotors with B body pin type calipers, and if I can scrape up enough pennies, Firm Feel fast ratio steering arms. Eventually, after the 8 3/4 rear goes in, I'll narrow up the 79 B body cop car 3/4 inch rear bar and install it.

Author:  sethmcneil [ Wed Mar 26, 2008 12:36 am ]
Post subject: 

I put some six-leaf springs in my 73 Scamp that came out of a 75 Duster... I am undecided on weather or not I like them though. They have substantially reduced body roll all by themselves (I have not added new shocks, or any anti-sway bars yet), but the ride is approaching 'harsh'...
This may be of course, due to improper installation; although I'm fairly confidant that my re-assembly went well!

...My $0.02

Author:  vynn3 [ Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:40 am ]
Post subject: 

From what I keep reading from people a lot smarter and more experienced than me, the key to running much stiffer springs and torsion bars (without undue discomfort) is QUALITY shocks, Edelbrocks at the minimum or (preferably) QA-1's or Koni's. They certainly aren't cheap, but the QA-1's are rebuildable, at least...

Just my $.02...

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