Slant Six Forum

Beech Bend Bowling Green KY 2008
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Author:  Rug_Trucker [ Sun Mar 23, 2008 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Beech Bend Bowling Green KY 2008

Looks like I will make the show. Maybe try and race. Depends if the 4 speed get in there or not! I need to order a 4 speed hump as everyone around here that says they will sell me one........never does!

I am guessing there is a slant race?

Author:  Todd360 [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 3:53 am ]
Post subject: 

I am suddenly feeling the need for a road trip.....Beech Bend is about 2 hours away....any other "locals" planning on attending?

Author:  Rug_Trucker [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:08 am ]
Post subject: 

I PMed my FedEx guy on Moparts last night. He is a C body nut. Told him to look out for a package from Dante's for me. I ordered a 4 speed hump so I can row the 833OD.

Told him to drop it over the fence and try not to get bit! :shock: :lol:

Author:  66aCUDA [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Cinda and I will be there to race. Dont know yet if we will both have cars or just one. :(
Look for the "ugly blue Duster" :D :D :D
Frank :twisted:

Author:  Charrlie_S [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 5:35 am ]
Post subject: 

I would like to go, but I don't think it will happen. Just did a "mapquest", and it is a 1,400 mile round trip, for me. :cry: Have to check and see if last nights lottery ticket was any good. :)

Author:  66aCUDA [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:05 am ]
Post subject: 

If it will help any you can bunk with us. :D :D :D

Author:  Rob Simmons [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Look for the "ugly blue Duster" :D :D :D
Frank :twisted:
Now that it's your "ugly blue Duster" I'm not nearly as offended by that comment. :lol:

I called it ugly plenty of times, but now that it's yours (except the engine and tranny) I would never consider calling it that. In fact, it's real purdy now! :wink:

Besides, I love ugly cars! (especially that one) :shock:

Author:  Rug_Trucker [ Fri Apr 18, 2008 6:12 am ]
Post subject: 

Duster won't make it. Tranny is out and no time to finish the 4 speed swap.

I am going to race the Cummins.

I am guessing 7:30's!! 7 minutes and 30 seconds in the 1/4!! :lol:

Packing the tent!

Author:  Rug_Trucker [ Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:39 am ]
Post subject: 

Slant turn out was miserable. I think there was only 4 slant cars. Turn out for the show, and the racing program was terrible.

Weather was rainy and cool. I did make one pass in the truck. Guess my E.T. :roll:

Author:  slantzilla [ Mon Apr 21, 2008 10:25 am ]
Post subject: 

I've seen quite a few of the earlier Rams run high 18's low 19's. Guy out at Vegas 2 years ago won $1500 in the dialing for dollars in one by running a 18:960 on an 18:96 dial. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I believe that event is just too early in the year for people to gamble on the weather with $3.75 gas and $4.39 diesel for towing. :(

Author:  Rug_Trucker [ Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

There was a good turn out last year. Fuel and weather is a big issue.

Author:  Rob Simmons [ Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:21 am ]
Post subject: 

Was Seymour there? He said he was planning on it. Maybe not with his Slant car though.

Sorry it was a bad turnout.

Author:  Rug_Trucker [ Tue Apr 22, 2008 5:02 am ]
Post subject: 

Seymour was there after noon on Saturday. He was in a Lexus. He was up inside the guy's trailer with the slant Arrow.

I didn't hang in the pits as I didn't need to do anything to my truck. Maybe 3-4 slant cars?

I didn't see much racing.

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