Slant Six Forum

Eileen got some valve train noise
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Author:  Bren67Cuda904 [ Sun Mar 30, 2008 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Eileen got some valve train noise

After the track I found the torque converter bolts loose and those are now tight. The engine sounded normal two days ago, but now I am hearing some valve train noise. Its like the valve rockers are a little loose and I am getting a bit of a ticking noise. Also the idle quality just doesn't seem as good as before. This idle quality might be in my head though, its hard to tell. I haven't pulled the valve cover yet because I plan to get a new gasket Monday, as the one thats on there is old and the tabs are broken off.
On track day I accidently turnned it up to 7000 rpm. Now my engine builder had said there was tons of piston to valve clearance, but I am a little worried that maybe I bent a valve and now thats why I am hearing the ticking. Of course this doesn't seem to explain why the noise has just started two days ago. (track day was 5 days ago)
What other reasons can you guys come up with for the delayed ticking? There is a slite posibility that the noise has be there since track day (maybe my hearing was delayed also since the open pipe runs) but I don't think so.

Author:  terrylittlejohn [ Sun Mar 30, 2008 6:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

don`t beat yourself up over it just pull the top pan and start eliminating everything. it could be something simple, just stop driving it and find the source of the noise. make sure you use loc-tite on the torque bolts and lash adjusters :wink:

Author:  sandy in BC [ Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

When was the last time you set the valves?

Just because your paranoid doesn t mean you broke something....

When you set the valves give each pushrod a spin....mebbe you bent one which will increase valve lash.

Most likely it split the block....................................j/k

Author:  LUCKY13 [ Sun Mar 30, 2008 8:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

At 7000 RPM its a good chance that tweaking a pushrod did happen. Also might want to gice the valve springs a good look. How about a header gasket leak just sounding like a ticking noise.

Oh, BTW what happen at the track? ET, times, MPH, how did it do?


Author:  Bren67Cuda904 [ Sun Mar 30, 2008 9:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

14.74 at 89mph start reading 9 posts down

Author:  LUCKY13 [ Mon Mar 31, 2008 3:56 am ]
Post subject: 

Very nice, glad to see you making progress. That thing does sound sweet, makes me proud to here a slant sounding like that.

I guess I should post in the other thread but I dont keep up with that section so I will ask here.

Is the engine missing or cutting out at the top of each gear? Maybe it bouncing off the rev limiter and that is what I am hearing in the video or maybe its just the sound in the video and its not doing that.

What camshaft you running now? I remember you had two and swapped them around once but dont remember what they where or which one you ran.

Anyway find that noise and fix it and get back out there, your just starting to make good progress. The 13's are just around the corner.


Author:  Bren67Cuda904 [ Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Found the noise. It looks like one of the valve adjuster backed off and let the push rod jump out. I am not sure which happened first whether I floated the valves and it jumped out and then the adjuster backed off or the adjuster backed off and it jumped out. The valve was still opening, but about half as much. The rod was trapped between the outside of the head, spark plug tube and rocker lip. The adjuster bolt is very loose in the "nut". I stole a rocker and push rod from my spare engine to replace it. Red arrow shows the point that the push rod was still pushing on.

Author:  Bren67Cuda904 [ Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Very nice, glad to see you making progress. That thing does sound sweet, makes me proud to here a slant sounding like that.

Is the engine missing or cutting out at the top of each gear? Maybe it bouncing off the rev limiter and that is what I am hearing in the video or maybe its just the sound in the video and its not doing that.

What camshaft you running now? I remember you had two and swapped them around once but don't remember what they where or which one you ran.

The 13's are just around the corner.

The last video, the one in the dark that sounds so good, ya that sound is the car on the left.

Camshaft is listed in signature line.

13's and this car are WAY around the corner. This car won't turn a 13s ever without Nitrous and I can promise you that its not in the future.

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