Slant Six Forum

console removal problem
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Author:  Burt G [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  console removal problem

Just spent the last 2 hours attempting to remove the console from my '71 Dart to check/repair the non-functioning temp/fuel guages. One item keeps the console in place - a small square clip (metal?) attached to a taped bundle of wires running left to right which is fitted over a triangular spring retainer pointing to the front of the car and attached next to the speedometer housing . The square clip cannot be slid over the triangular retainer and the retained cannot be compressed. Both are practically inaccessable since the console cannot be pulled from the dash so long as its attached in this fashion. Any suggestions????? Any and all help most appreciated. Thanks.

Author:  Sam Powell [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think you must be talking about the gauge cluster in the dash, and not the console. A console usually referes to a thing on the floor between a pair of bucket seats. Anyway, when confronted with this sort of gordian knot, I usually end up destroying the least problematic thing to get it apart, which in this case would be the clip. Can you get a pair of aviation sheers on it and cut it apart? I usually go out of my way to design a reassembly that wil not be so hard to get apart next time.

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