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60-61 A body suspension parts
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Author:  mightyss [ Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  60-61 A body suspension parts

been looking at my 61 lancer front end. its gonna need an overhaul. ive done some searches here, but havent found out where everyone is getting parts for these toads. anyone have some insight here.....dan....?

p.s. rear springs are kinda flat, these should be the same as all a bodies, right?

Author:  HyperValiant [ Sun Apr 20, 2008 6:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

The rear springs will interchange with later A-body cars as will shocks,upper control arm bushings and upper ball joints,the strut rod bushings will also work.
The lower control arm bushings,inner/outer tie rod ends,pitman/idler arm,lower ball joint are unique to the 60/61 Valiant and Lancer models.
When I rebuilt my 60 Valiant front end I got the lower control arm bushings from Just Suspension(They were old stock and they only had a couple of sets left and that was about 4 years ago) and was able to find a ball bearing kit for the idler arm to rebuild it. I used later outer tie rod ends to mate up with 69 Barracuda lower balljoints(the 60/61 joints are smaller than 62 up) so I could use the K-H disk brakes.My pitman arm and inner tie rod end were good so they were cleaned ,greased and I installed new dust boots.
I am currently trying to find the parts to install a 62-66 k-frame so I can use more available parts and also use the later aluminum steering box as oppsed to the frame rail mounted Saginaw box that came standard on the 60/61 cars.
I have seen alot of the obsolete parts that I listed on E-Bay at reasonable prices and Im sure that some obsolete parts houses will be able to help but I dont have any names I can give at this moment.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sun Apr 20, 2008 7:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yep, these parts are not too tough to find. Andy Bernbaum ( ) stocks them, I see them go by pretty frequently on eBay, etc.

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