Slant Six Forum

Brake Swap Questions
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Author:  Slanted Opinion [ Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:11 am ]
Post subject:  Brake Swap Questions

Hi All,

I have recently pulled the booster, master cylinder, caliper assemblies, spindles, and upper control arms, from a 73 Valiant. These are going in to my 68 Dart, which is currently running 9" drums all around.

Someone had already taken the distribution block from the 73. :(

Three questions:

1} I'm considering keeping the manual brakes on the '68, rather than go to power. Can I use my existing master cylinder, adding an adjustable proportioning valve to the back line?

2} Everything was heavily rusted on the Valiant, it had been parked in a field for years. I'm replacing the calipers, hoses, etc. Any bets on the condition of the brake booster, should I decide to go the power brake route? Will I likely have to replace it?

3} There was not a dust shield plate on the 73. There was some kind of small, triangular shaped pad that fits over the spindle, held on to the spindle by 3 bolts, but it has mostly rusted/deteriorated away. I don't have the FSM for the 73. What is this part called, so I can order one (and who stocks it)?



Author:  tlrol [ Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:59 am ]
Post subject: 

I yanked a power brake booster out of a 1983 D-150 for use in my D-150. It worked fine for me. Note that this was from a really ratty Minnesota junkyard and a truck with no hood. No way to tell without trying the booster but I would use it and find out. You will want a core if you have to buy a rebuilt one anyway.

Regarding the dust shield, are you talking about the inner wheel shield for a disc brake rotor? If so, why bother at all with it. All they seem to do in my experience is collect mud and stones and help mangle your rotors. Your brakes will be fine without them...

Author:  tlrol [ Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Note

Ahhh, one quick note, "use it" is a relative term on the booster. You can do a vacuum test on it and see if it has a leak, and if you do install it do be careful and take the approriate cautions associated with any brake work like that. I could just feel the "flaming" coming my way...:)

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