Slant Six Forum

LCA interchangeability
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Author:  sethmcneil [ Mon Apr 28, 2008 2:06 am ]
Post subject:  LCA interchangeability

when did the sway bar tabs move? I have seen them mounted in the middle of the lca, and way out by the knuckle and strut rod assemblies...

on a more urgent topic:
are the lower control arms the same on the A vs. B-bodies?

ive got a chance to pull a set with swaybar tabs off of a 68 Coronet Super Bee. but the car is slated to be scrapped soon.
should i spring for it?

(They would be installed in a 73 scamp, BTW)


Author:  DusterIdiot [ Mon Apr 28, 2008 6:58 am ]
Post subject:  I don't think...

when did the sway bar tabs move?
1967-1972 uses a sway bar that mounted under the K member, and 1973-1976 used a bar that went through the K-member


Author:  65 dartman [ Mon Apr 28, 2008 7:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LCA interchangeability

when did the sway bar tabs move? I have seen them mounted in the middle of the lca, and way out by the knuckle and strut rod assemblies...

on a more urgent topic:
are the lower control arms the same on the A vs. B-bodies?

ive got a chance to pull a set with swaybar tabs off of a 68 Coronet Super Bee. but the car is slated to be scrapped soon.
should i spring for it?

(They would be installed in a 73 scamp, BTW)

Sway bar tabs mounted in the middle were used from 65 or so through 72. 73-76 were out by the knuckle.. I looked in my parts book and it shows different part numbers for the A and B body LCAs. I'd still grab them anyway as B Body people are always looking for that kind of stuff (along with sway bars)

Author:  dank10fenny [ Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

ive got an aftermarket sway bar, i think from pst... they have the end links attach to a bracket that is bolted through the shouck mount, kinda lame i say, anyways... any way to make one of these stock options work, i didnt know they had lca's wit sway bar tabs already on them....

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