Slant Six Forum

904 Valve Body
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Author:  mopar_nocar [ Mon May 05, 2008 10:18 am ]
Post subject:  904 Valve Body

Willing to just borrow one to see if that is the problem with my car OR buy a known good one. Its a 75 904.



Author:  volaredon [ Mon May 05, 2008 4:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

I know that not much interchanges between a 727 and a 904 and while I have never tried this (though I have been inside both and see where this might work) but I've HEARD (not tried) that the VB between the 2 trannys will swap over. There is a guy on Ebay by user ID of "job rated", that has lots of guv surplus NOS Dodge truck stuff. I've bought a bundle of NOS smallblock oil pumps from him. Among his stash, are NOS 727 front pumps (I know THEY wont work in a 904) and NOS 727 non lockup valve bodies; price, going off memory, was either $45 or $75 don't remember which. He's out of Medford Oregon, and his Ebay store carries a different name. hope this helps.

Author:  mopar_nocar [ Mon May 05, 2008 4:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the tip. I do know the VB will interchange, as I have done it. I'll check on it right now.

edit: just purchased a NOS Valvebody for $65. He has 3 more if any one needs one.

thanks again, don.


Author:  volaredon [ Sun May 11, 2008 7:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

No problem. This guy seemed pretty decent when I bought from him. He has a few other items I could use if the leaves that have sprouted on the trees around here were dollar bills!

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