Slant Six Forum

Duster Fuse panel Hookups
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Author:  clyderancid [ Fri May 16, 2008 4:14 am ]
Post subject:  Duster Fuse panel Hookups

On a '74 Duster on the fuse panel, the #4 fuse and fuse contact bar were blown out when we got the car.
I suspect this happened when a previous owner took out all the A/C stuff, but
left the A/C heater panel and vacuum lines.
My wiring diagram either doesn't tell me or I can't find what that fuse controls.
The heater blower switch does not get current to it (I've got the whole heater panel out), so I suspect it's that fuse.
But I lose track going thru the wiring diagram of just which wires are supposed to go to that fuse. I'm using the wiring diagram in a Haynes manual.
If I know which the right wires are, I figure I can install a line fuse to replace the blown fuse connection.
Does that sound like a plan? Or does anyone have a better idea? I'm open.
The car REALLY gets fogged up w/o a blower when it rains
out here in the NW.
Thanks so much for your help.

Author:  wjajr [ Fri May 16, 2008 4:51 am ]
Post subject: 

(YGGFM) Yeah guttah get a factory manual.

But for now look here for a diagarm:

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