Slant Six Forum

Oil Fouling
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Author:  Miser [ Tue May 20, 2008 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Oil Fouling

Hello to the most knowledgable engine message board i know of!

My '83 truck had been sitting since late november thanks to a defective "remanufactured" dizzy from NAPA, my man D.I. sent a new dizzy and it started right up. i've been working on dialing in the advance and i got some NGK UR5's today, my truck really responded to them and runs and idles much better. i had some Autolite 26's, and i noticed that the old plugs in cylinders 2, 4, 5, and 6 had motor oil on them! maybe that was causing the misfiring and pinging in 2nd and 3rd gear when i floored the pedal. i looked inside the PCV hose and i didn't see a lot of oil. what can cause oil fouling, blown head gasket, bad valves, bad rings? more things then that?

Author:  DusterIdiot [ Tue May 20, 2008 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Maybe this too...

more things then that?
You could get some oil fouling from the valve stem seals leaking if they were old and the valve guides were a bit worn...

You can run a hotter plug like the UR-4 and see if that clears it up (hotter plug can 'burn up' that stuff), but you may need to rework your 'tuning' a bit (fuel, spark)... but this may be a temporary/'farmers' fix for permanent problem...

Glad the distributor worked out for you...


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