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Author:  aspen jim [ Tue May 27, 2008 1:55 pm ]
Post subject:  HEI Mod

1978 Aspen Super Six w/BBD

I assume this has been covered alot , but I just cant seem to find it .

My ballast resister has 4 posts on it , the 2 on the left are light blue ,and jumpered together and if I were to guess 12gage wire .One of those LB wires feeds a little doohickey for the electric choke , the other disappears into the harness . On the right side top there is a brown wire also looks like 12ga which I think goes right to the coil , while the bottom right which is green and brown striped looks to go to the module of the right fenderwell .
I see alot of people talk about an Orange Box , which I have one located next to my ballast resister , but I believe the control module is the black box on the federwell .
I am guessing that I solder the 3 wires together , The 2 LTBlue on the left and the Brown on the right top and leave the bottom right green and brown striped wire hanging .
At this point would I just unplug the module on the fenderwell , and is this Orange Box related and should be unpluged also ? then just finish the mod as illustrated .

Thanks , Aspen Jim

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