Slant Six Forum

Monitoring engine temps...
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Author:  Jopapa [ Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Monitoring engine temps...

Sooooo, say I have a non-contact thermometer; what would be the best spot on the engine to measure in order to get an accurate indication of its temperature while it's running? I would think the thermostat housing would be just fine once it's warmed up, but I'd like to be certain.

And to follow up that question (this one's for the gurus); what'd be the ideal, perfect operating temperature for a 225?

Author:  Aggressive Ted [ Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sent you a PM on what I found so far.

I like it hot.......200 degrees for best mileage and punch.

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Thu Jun 05, 2008 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Monitoring engine temps...

Sooooo, say I have a non-contact thermometer; what would be the best spot on the engine to measure in order to get an accurate indication of its temperature while it's running? I would think the thermostat housing would be just fine once it's warmed up, but I'd like to be certain.

Slantvaliant to a paging telephone, please? Slantvaliant, please pick up the nearest paging phone, thank you.

And to follow up that question (this one's for the gurus); what'd be the ideal, perfect operating temperature for a 225?
As hot as you can run it without creating problems with detonation and/or carburetor boiling. See this recent post.

So far zero pinging in my truck with the 205° thermostat, and fuel economy and driveability are all improved. But I don't have to worry about fuel heating because I've got fuel injection.

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