Slant Six Forum

identifying engine year
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Author:  carpdar [ Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  identifying engine year


i looked around for a thread on this subject before posting to no avail so here goes..

I've been driving my 64' 4 door valiant since i was 14 and was aware that it had a newer /6 swap and a rebuilt tranny, but I'm unsure as to the exact year and the ensuing crankshaft (forged or cast). I see the numbers on the side of the block below the intake manifold but am unsure how to translate this. The block and valve cover are painted blue, and there is a little yellow plastic dual-nozzle looking appendage coming out of the valve cover that is currently not hooked to any lines or anything.

while I'm posting this i might as well ask a stupid question: what would my redline read on my speedo in mph approximately in 1st and 2nd? (904 push button)

thanks a bunch,


Author:  ceej [ Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi Aaron,

We're going to need a little more information.
For starters, how many freeze plugs are in the block?
What are the cast numbers and letters on the side of the block?

Have you looked at the top of the block under the #1 spark plug for a stamp? This stamp tends to be faint, and if the block has been decked, it likely won't be present. Take a look though.

There should be a small ledge right under the plug that you can clean off and look for some stamped numbers and letters.


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