Slant Six Forum

slant six 2 barrel carter carb ?
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Author:  USAJon [ Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:23 pm ]
Post subject:  slant six 2 barrel carter carb ?

wondering if this is a slant six carb...found it in an old storage bin o',mine.


Author:  SlantSixDan [ Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not enough info — can you show us some additional photos, not as close-up, from different angles?

Author:  65CrewCabPW [ Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

The easiest way to tell, is that the super six carbs have a cam that lifts the needles out of the jets mechanically, wtih very little vacuum control over them.

The 318 version used vacuum to hold the needles down in the jets and didn't lift mechanically until almost full throttle.

Also, many super sixes had a vacuum controlled idle position mechanism... it worked sort of "backwards", where a a drop in vacuum opened the throttle, if memory serves. I never could figure out if it was supposed to prevent stalling, or some kind of emissions mechanism.

These carbs have a big flat plate across the front of the carb, and a linkage to a shaft that runs through this raised semi-triangular area.

I tried a 318 carb on a slant six, and it is workable, but you have to do a lot of rejetting and other "fiddling", to make it work smooth. Same thing reverse... the slant six carb is NOT suited for the 318, even though they bolt in place of each other.

Author:  USAJon [ Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:42 pm ]
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  • Image

Author:  65CrewCabPW [ Mon Jun 16, 2008 5:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow, not a lot of clues there. This much I CAN tell you, that the corrosion is horrible. Good luck in getting the screws out of the shaft so you can clean off the throttle blades.

And the idle circuits might be hosed because they've either become blocked, or have corroded so much they are out of size.

Best I can do is a WAG, and I'd say it was a V8 because of the location of the PCV connector and its angle.

But my confidence level... very low. The description I gave above about the cam shape that lifts the needles is what I would go by...

Author:  USAJon [ Mon Jun 16, 2008 5:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think this is it... ... 0152964342

$10 if anyone needs it..shes froze..thanks

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

The easiest way to tell, is that the super six carbs have a cam that lifts the needles out of the jets mechanically, wtih very little vacuum control over them. The 318 version used vacuum to hold the needles down in the jets and didn't lift mechanically until almost full throttle.
This isn't quite right. The mechanical vs. spring-loaded vacuum step-up rod lift is a function of carb production date, not original engine application.
Also, many super sixes had a vacuum controlled idle position mechanism...
Very few of the Super Sixes, if any, came with a vacuum-operated AIS pot like this from the factory. The only application of such a device to a factory slant-6 that I can bring to mind is the 1976 Feather Duster & Dart Lite Holley 1945, which did have a vacuum AIS to keep idle speed constant regardless of whether the trans was in Neutral or in gear, with or without the A/C compressor engaged, or when the (power) steering was being held against the left or right stop. Some of the Super Sixes did have an electric idle speed "kicker" solenoid.
I tried a 318 carb on a slant six, and it is workable, but you have to do a lot of rejetting and other "fiddling", to make it work smooth.
Naw ya don't. Lots of people have put V8 carbs on slant-6s with minimal mods and excellent success. Sounds like you had a bad experience trying a similar swap, but your one experience can't be generalised into a principle; it's just not so. See here, here , here , and here, amongst many others...

Author:  65CrewCabPW [ Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Naw ya don't. Lots of people have put V8 carbs on slant-6s with minimal mods and excellent success. Sounds like you had a bad experience trying a similar swap, but your one experience can't be generalised into a principle; it's just not so. See here, here , here , and here, amongst many others...
Let's just say that most people would have been perfectly happy with the original outcomes... Just not me. I can tell the difference in cars that I work on while other car guys swear everything's flawless all along.

I didn't find that the needle lift ramp related to year, not engine. And no, my experience is NOT limited to just the one super six that I owned. I used to have a big boxful of carbs, owned and worked on an array of 318's for others, too. One can always arrive at the wrong conclusions on such things... I'm just relating to what I found, and the reading materials I used to have on the carbs and their tuning instructions. They lead me to these conclusions...

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Let's just say that most people would have been perfectly happy with the original outcomes... Just not me. I can tell the difference in cars that I work on while other car guys swear everything's flawless all along., let's not just say that, for it's not so. To be blunt, you are not the only one who knows/cares enough to detect the difference between an engine that runs acceptably and one that runs perfectly. And, I daresay you're very likely not the most exacting and picky on this board. So let's please take a couple of steps back from this "I'm right and the rest of the world just doesn't care enough to know better" kind of attitude here, thanks.
I didn't find that the needle lift ramp related to year, not engine.
OK, well...never stop learning, eh! :-) The mechanical-lift/tin-top BBDs were officially called "solid fuel" BBDs, and were phased in for 1977 on all BBD applications, slant-6 and V8. The previous design is known as the "air bleed" BBD.
And no, my experience is NOT limited to just the one super six that I owned. I used to have a big boxful of carbs, owned and worked on an array of 318's for others, too.
OK, fair enough. Maybe the particular V8 carburetors you had access to didn't work well on the particular slant-6s you were working with. Or maybe you were running low on carburetor mojo. Or maybe the stars weren't lined up in your favour. I don't aim to turn this into a pickiness pissing contest, but you are conversing with someone who has on more than one occasion removed utterly, perfectly good starter motors because he preferred the way a differently-built example of the same type of starter motor sounded while cranking the engine. With that in mind, are you really confident saying I'm insufficiently picky and observant to mean it when I say I've put 273 and 318 carburetors with very minimal mods on 225s and had them run as perfectly as a carbureted slant-6 can run...?
the reading materials I used to have on the carbs and their tuning instructions. They lead me to these conclusions...
Yep, once they started putting BBDs on 225s in North America in '76, the factory literature was very specific about not swapping 225 and 318 versions of the BBD because of different calibration, venturi size, and air horn/choke plate size. But just a few years prior, factory info (Direct Connection slant-6 info bulletin) specifically recommended installing the BBD from a 273 or 318 on the slant-6 for a power boost. What made the difference? Federal exhaust emission certification regulations were very much more comprehensive in 1976 than they were in 1966 or 1970. By 1976, emisssion control warranty legislation was on the books, making the automaker responsible for the emissions compliance of a vehicle for a long period of time and miles after its construction. The regulations are written such that the automaker can be held legally responsible and heavily fined for modifying or endorsing the modification of a roadgoing vehicle in any manner that could potentially cause it not to comply with the emissions requirements under which it was Federally certified.

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