Slant Six Forum

Hydro head rebuild
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Author:  Fratzog [ Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Hydro head rebuild

Pulled the head off today and took out the valves. Plenty of caked on, crusted carbon, a couple of warped exhaust valves, and an enormous amount of intake and seat buildup. Compression couldn't have been too good for a long time.

I hate to admit never taking any compression readings before, always having a gauge handy, but being a van it was PITA-ville just changing plugs. Otherthan some oil consumption and less than ideal gas mileage, I had no priority issues with it at the time anyways.

My question is, I noticed it had bronze guides installed, Is this evidence, at least, of a prior head rebuild or did '85 hydro heads come with them installed?

Theres 87,000 km on the clock, but it could have been there once or twice before. It did apparently spent much of its early years rambling to-and-from down 'Mexico way' despite being made in Canada where its now, come back to 'retire' :lol:

Author:  SlantSixDan [ Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's been rebuilt; they didn't come that way from the factory. No real surprise there; it's only very recently that Mexican gasoline has been better than watered-down tar.

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