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 Post subject: Hay Charlie Schmid
PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2002 7:02 pm 
Hay Charlie I just found your web site. Man that 170 turbo is inspiring. I have a garret turbo on the bench in the garage now and I really like the way you set yours up. I have the engine apart now, 75 Dart Sport 225. I'm useing comp cam 252 so not to have a lot of over lap, also mp header, Ported head a little it's at machine shop now beeing milled some and valve job. I also have supersix intake. I like the way you set yours up. Do you post more info on that set up. And did you chang the side drafts? I want to use a 4 barrel will it have to be higher than turbo I know I will need hood scoop. I know thats a lot but I think yours is a really neet set up.

 Post subject: Re: Hay Charlie Schmid
PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2002 4:51 pm 
: Hay Charlie I just found your web site. Man
: that 170 turbo is inspiring. I have a garret
: turbo on the bench in the garage now and I
: really like the way you set yours up. I have
: the engine apart now, 75 Dart Sport 225. I'm
: useing comp cam 252 so not to have a lot of
: over lap, also mp header, Ported head a
: little it's at machine shop now beeing
: milled some and valve job. I also have
: supersix intake. I like the way you set
: yours up. Do you post more info on that set
: up. And did you chang the side drafts? I
: want to use a 4 barrel will it have to be
: higher than turbo I know I will need hood
: scoop. I know thats a lot but I think yours
: is a really neet set up.

Elam, Did I e-mail you off list? I meant to, but I don't see it. Let me know off list, and I'll get back to you.
<A HREF=""></A>

 Post subject: Re: Hay Charlie Schmid
PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2002 7:03 pm 
I took a look at your web site. From the picture of your setup it looks like you didn't have to modify your stock exhaust manifold. Is that true? It also looks like you achieved outstanding performance results! What turbo did you use? Any advice on the exhaust manifold? I'd appreciate any advice you could give based on your experience.

Thanks, Bob D

 Post subject: Re: Hay Charlie Schmid
PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2002 8:34 pm 
The intake and exhaust manifolds are both stock. I made a "U" pipe from the exhaust flange, and put a turbo flange on the top. The turbo is a Rajay "F" 60 or 70, I can't remember which. All my notes are MIA. I am in the process of redoing the engine and the car back the way it was, except for beefing the engine a little more while it is apart.Once I get all the basic stuff done I'll start posting progress reports here and on <A HREF=""></A>
: Charlie,
: I took a look at your web site. From the
: picture of your setup it looks like you
: didn't have to modify your stock exhaust
: manifold. Is that true? It also looks like
: you achieved outstanding performance
: results! What turbo did you use? Any advice
: on the exhaust manifold? I'd appreciate any
: advice you could give based on your
: experience.
: Thanks, Bob D

 Post subject: Re: Hay Charlie Schmid
PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2002 9:44 am 
: Bob,
: The intake and exhaust manifolds are both
: stock. I made a "U" pipe from the
: exhaust flange, and put a turbo flange on
: the top. The turbo is a Rajay "F"
: 60 or 70, I can't remember which. All my
: notes are MIA. I am in the process of
: redoing the engine and the car back the way
: it was, except for beefing the engine a
: little more while it is apart.Once I get all
: the basic stuff done I'll start posting
: progress reports here and on
: <A HREF=""></A>
: Charlie

I just looked back here today Charlie I will go to my other computer right now and see if e-mail is there. I ca'nt get my e-mial on this one, i'm not to good with computers.

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